Wow, Seriously painted,
I can relate to your story from my own life experience.
My parents would not take their children to the hospital when bones were broken on two separate occasions. Similar to you my Dad uprooted his family following some non existant job prospect to a cold and impoverished place where we were all unprepared. I had freezing and wet feet every single day. Strangely, no one ever cared to ask me if I was warm enough in the cast off clothing. In fact I was freezing, and made to gather wood.
Also, as an adult while in college they came to visit me, typically bereft of any resources they stayed with me in my room in a house I shared with roommates. My mom cooked a meal which I was unable to eat because I was feeling ill. She was so angry that I refused her food she would not say goodbye, and rolled up the window on my pleading with her as they drove away and I stood in the driveway crying and feverish.
As it turned out, I was unable to eat because I had pneumonia. I was sick alone and delirious for over a week during Christmas break. All of my housemates had gone to their families for the holiday, while mine had driven away in anger.
Eventually, a roomate did come back, I was halucinating from dehydration and sickness, I had not left my bed in several days and in that time ate and drank nothing. My roomate took me to the hospital, and after about two weeks I recovered. My condition was serious and at the hospital I needed an IV.
Even as an adult, they are unable to SEE me and take anything I do to be a personal insult against them, even when I have been desperately in need of their help.
I am going through a similar thing as you, I am just beginning to grasp what my life was like and who they really are and what they did.
Neglect is abuse.