Unstoppable, I guess your insistence that you like irondork as a person makes you feel better about yourself.
JoinedPosts by perfect1
God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites - What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork inthat is why god gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature;and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error.
romans 1:26,27.
(excerpts from: homosexianity by r. d. weekly for the sake of familiarity, scripture quotations appearing in the book were replaced with the new world translation) http://www.amazon.com/homosexianity-letting-devastating-scripture-orientation/dp/1442163062/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=utf8&qid=1356175321&sr=1-1&keywords=homosexianity.
God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites - What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork inthat is why god gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature;and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error.
romans 1:26,27.
(excerpts from: homosexianity by r. d. weekly for the sake of familiarity, scripture quotations appearing in the book were replaced with the new world translation) http://www.amazon.com/homosexianity-letting-devastating-scripture-orientation/dp/1442163062/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=utf8&qid=1356175321&sr=1-1&keywords=homosexianity.
Wow. I have been avoiding reading this thread, because of the hate and ignorance I expected it would generate. No suprise here.
I dont know what you are trying to work through here. You have a hell of a lot of patience.
Being gay, lesbian, bi, whatever is great. Not sure why you feel the need to justify it.
I thought you might like this clip from the Daily Show- and also the book by Gene Robinson-
Anyone with Happy Memories from being a JW born in, please post here....
by SkyGreen infirst up, happy new year .
hi everyone, ok i guess this is controversial, but im doing it as therapy for me - so im not bitter about the way i was raised.
plus i want to see if i can be the op of an "epic thread"!!.
Hey Cognac-
I see what youre saying
AWARE- you too!
I guess I am just shocked so many people think the WTBTS saved them from STDs.
Long time listener first time caller
by Defianttruth ini would like to thank everyone who is a part of this community.
i have been abused by this billion dollar evil religion since i was born.
i am now in my late thirties and have been battling depression issues over my former abuses by this nongoverment organization.
Defiant, I raise a glass to you friend.
I'm in, and having a hard time biting my tongue sometimes
by noonehome ini spend allot of time with other young witnesses my age, and am very close to a few of these friends.
my question is, is there any way to safely talk about doubts?
for instance, i've been learning allot about evolution and the science behind the flood (or lack thereof).
No advice on biting your tongue- however, KEEP STUDYING EVOLUTION! Human origins are especially fascinating.
Stephen Jay Gould is a great author- the mismeasure of man is an excellent book of his that details the missteps of human evolutionary theories.
The great thing about science- when they mess up- they dont cover it up, they dont keep it in- but they keep the facts and move ahead. Scientifc knowledge advances and progresses based on empiricism. Hooray!
For whats its worth, 00D, I feel your pain here.
I know your story only from JWN, and you dont need to answer this, but the more I think about your situation I guess it comes to your relationship with your kids before all this stuff happened. Was that good- do you have happy memories- is there a way you could meet with them- get them to meet with you and try to recall a few happy moments you shared that show how close you were or how much you love them. Is there a way to reconnect with the a good memory of the past.
You know they will conflate your leaving the WT with loving them, and twist it so that in their minds YOU left THEM. Of course it isnt true, can you reassure them of your love regardless of all else.
My way has been to make an all out effort, give it all Ive got, and if it fails, let it be. And then I know I have tried.
I can imagine how you feel, since my pain is in the opposite generational direction.
What a Week! The Bees Got Married!
by BizzyBee inwhat a wonderful holiday season!
time with family, time for fun, and in the midst of it all - we got married!
after christmas we were in palm springs for the weather and golf, but took off for nevada on thursday and tied the knot in a sweet, simple ceremony.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Being Married is so AWESOME! Happy for you Bizzy Bee (in my mind Bizzys wedding dress was a draped US Flag, as I know she defends this nations greatest principles)
OK I have got to the point of boiling fristration
by cantleave ini have spent too much time on here over the xmas hols, thanks mainly to our rotten uk weather.. i am back at work tomorrow, where i can at least talk with other science grads who actually understand how the world works, and where i can have intelligent conversations about cosmetic ingredients.
yes cosmetic ingredients!
i know that what i do is not making an enormous difference (except for eczema sufferers), but trying to debate stupidity on here over the last 3 weeks has been totally fruitless and frustrating.
Cosmetic ingredients is an ongoing interest of mine. Whats the big deal about pthalates, anyway.
Ha. Just kidding.
The point is Ingimar, fight!
If you are the a JW wife with a JW husband, you are a second class citizen. A an unbelieving wife of a JW husband- not a citizen at all. Temporary.
It is a point of doctrinal inconsitency - a loophole that allows the JW to be married to an unbeliever- with some demotion spiritually but not excommunication. In JW theology, the worldy mate is a temporary disgrace which can be allowed since in the New System that bond will be broken. Unbelieving Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters are so shameful they must thoroughly expunged, since they are truly capable of corrupting influence.