Need advice. My inactive jw husband has been lured back.
by ingimar 93 Replies latest social relationships
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When my ole man do somethin' I don't want him too. I get really bad headaches
Know what I'm sayin' ????
Work it girl, You got the power
It will be a tough go. Do you know what motivated his return?
Welcome to the board ingimar log into chrome its free and it works
I am new to this site but I need any help that I can get.
I have been married to my husband for four years but we lived together for 3 years before we were married. This is a second marriage for us both. When I met him, he told me that he was a JW but he never went to the hall and he was a wonderful man with strong family values. He moved to where I was living and attended the hall once in 7 years. We was reserved in celebrating Christmases, birthdays, etc. but he did buy me presents and attend functions with me.
Well, two years ago we moved to a different community and until a couple of months ago, I had been able to keep the door knockers away from him. One day, I was not so fortunate as I came home to find him chatting to a man dressed in a suit with a phony smile pasted on his face and papers in his hand. My husband had the same phony smile on his face when he introduced me. Well once this guy knew that he had a prospect, he kept showing up and my husband returned to the hall. I told him that I was worried about them coming between us and that I needed to know that "us" would always be his number one priority. At first he said yes but last week, after about his fourth visit to the hall, we had a bit of a blowup and when I asked him if he was forced between chosing me or his religion, what would he choose; he couldn't answer. Every week, I see him drifting farther away from me and he is turning into someone that I don't know.
I should mention that none of his family are jws, including his three adult kids who never went back to the hall when his first marriage broke up. He has no family or friends at the hall although I know that the jws here are trying to deceive him into thinking that they are his family. I have spoken to his one son who is very upset that his dad has returned and he wants to do an intervention. Originally I thought that this was a good idea but I am not sure that we could pull it off as he won't listen to anything or anybody that disputes the watchtower propoganda. I am hoping that he will listen to his kids.
I need some help!
Welcome ingimar, Have you read any of Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Helping People to Think for Themselves", or "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs") or visited his website at ? May be You can contact Steve Hassan through his website and ask for a reference to a councilor in your community to visit with your husband. The only other thing that you can do is keep your husband busy doing fun activities and making new non-JW friends that will keep him too busy to attend meetings.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Please go to jwfacts and arm yourself with some real truths. An intervention sounds like it might be a good idea, but you will have to be well prepared. Please take Biblestudents advice and contact Steven Hassan asap. Make sure his kids are on board and educated with all the facts as well.
I will definitely look at those books. I have been trying to collect truths from jwfacts but whenever I ask him something, he seems to be able to evade answering and quotes me something from his special bible that proves that he has the "truth". His kids are on board but two of them live a long ways away. I have to control my emotions and show him that his home is not posessed by Satan.