does it have pearls of wisdom for us?
i wish some enlightened billionaire would fund more studies of these "ageless animals".
evolution could tell us how to stop aging almost completely.
does it have pearls of wisdom for us?
this is a reply ireceived from a poster on another forum.
"actually the vast majority of interpretations of prophecy are absolutely spot on.. .
people harp on over this and that that was wrong 50 years ago, but today jehovah's witnesses have all the bible's prophecies pretty much figured out in their entirety.. .
Off hand, i can't think of any prophecies they got right. I believe rusell said that israel would be reestablished. However the wt dropped that from its list.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
True. There are no words for it, really. Good for you, having been able to experience that.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
Here is a better raga, indian classical
Red rose orange pekoe, w sugar. Oh, and regular old chinese green tea, without sugar. So, there.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
A read about american revivalism shows that at religions root is generally fear and guilt. Roots of spirituality are often introspection.
That is interesting. You said along the lines of god need not be involved. I agree. I also believe that we all are little chips off the old block, so to speak; holograms, fractals, or something like that. Its the difference between spiritual and religious: religious - entities are separate from god and desperately NEED god, supposedly. Spiritual - we all got it, we are all god, so to speak. Giggle my brain and god pops out;)
we never hear of people speaking in the name of ants.
never do people say this or that is what an ant wants, or this is what will make an ant like you, or hate you, etc.
we just don't know how ants think.
Love it.
i'm going to this church and taking a course called "breaking free" by beth moore!!!
it's amazing!!
god is extremely good!!!
Take what works for you and then, move on.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
Great song, kula shaker - govinda. The ragas are also good. I find them relaxing -
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
I believe that the yr 1969 was the peak of the rise of spirituality in the west in modern times. It was a grass roots movement fueled largely by psychedelics. Yes, psychedelic drugs can lead to spirituality. They have been used like that for millenia.
Creativity in all fields followed the spiritual release. Even the wt corp peaked in its output of litertrash. While the spiritual wave carried on into the 70's, it has subsided, ever since then.