Its a metaphor.
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Its a metaphor.
entire family of five struck by lightning during flash storm.
may 17, 2014 11:12. by richard wheatstone.
Question for those who know what jehovah feels, how does he feel now, about this incident?
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Then, it would be seeing the mirror, wouldnt it?
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Can the eye see itself?
i decided to live a healthier life and get some proper vitamins into my system other than poping a pill i'd get a juicer and start incorporating juiced veggies & fruit into my lifestyle.. in the begining drinking veggie juice - even with juiced apples wasn't the most delicious thing but i have to admit that the more i do it the more i enjoy it.. i juice a whole range of veggies from carrots to beets to celery.
and it definately has made a difference.
once a month i just juice - no food.
Blending is the new rage. Juice is for ninnies;) They have 3 hp ones that will make smooth smoothies out of pomegranetes and pine cones.
jehovah's witnesses to hand over top-secret manualon friday finland's jehovah's witnesses will give their religious rule book to the minister of justice and the minister of the interior so that it can be inspected to ensure that it's in line with finnish rule of law.
jehovah's witnesses will hand over their secret rule book to the minister of justice, anna-maja henriksson, and the minister of the interior, paivi rasanen.
image: heikki saukkomaa / lehtikuva until now, only senior members of the jehovahs witnesses committee have had access to the congregation's secret book of rules.. the disciplinary activities of the jehovah's witnesses committee have been criticised for violating human rights.. according to anna-maja henriksson, finland's minister of justice, the purpose of the handover is to examine the book and determine whether its rules and regulations run counter to finnish law.. henriksson and interior minister paivi rasanen met on thursday with the leadership of the jehovah's witnesses in helsinki.
FINLAND, the new king of the norse, er, north.
betsy just posted this on another thread:
so, what does this even mean for humanity?
do you think the earth is being ruined?
The human race is very resiliant, tough and creative. We have learned to live on practically all parts of the globe. I think there is a good chance that we will be a permanent fixture on this planet. If new, compact energy sourses are found before then, we could defy the next ice age even better.
betsy just posted this on another thread:
so, what does this even mean for humanity?
do you think the earth is being ruined?
Everything is cycles. Ice ages last for 100,000 yrs or whatever. Interglacial periods are tens of thousands of years. So, its gonna keep on warming, until it starts cooling AGAIN. Some scientists seem to think they can or should stop the cycles. Or, maybe they have forgotten about the cycles.
miss k and her friend miss w arrived promptly today.
our scheduled topic of discussion: jesus' claim to be "the way, the truth and the life..." john 14:6 since she was basing this topic choice on the fact that i had quoted that verse, i'm not sure why... she spent what seemed like a very long time, hopping through scriptures that all said that jesus was the truth, the way, or the life.
ok, so we agreed... i kept waiting for her to get to a point, or sway from this principle.. of course, she summed up with scriptures that show how jesus submits to the father, and what does that mean we should do?
A couple of things about their bait (jesus) and switch (god and/or the org). There is a verse where it says that jesus will show god (the father?) to the person. So, the person only needs to go as far as jesus, jesus does the rest. Never mind god. Afterall, that is what it means to be 'christ'ian.
Jesus turning all things over to god and submitting to him is future, way future, as the story goes.
So really, jesus, worshipping him, praying to him, believing in him is all that is necesary, at this point. Believing in jesus was the only requirment for baptism in the first century, as the story goes.
if you had 5 minutes to give the world your personal message and everyone listened, what would you say?.
You are ok. Don't kowtow to anybody. Give respect to others, and require it for yourself.