Your first post was in regular type, you second one had quite a bit bolded. I only glanced at them as soon as i saw what they were: just a different version of watchtower type shit.
Will your next post be all bolded or all capital? Whatever.
october 7, 2001 -- a date of "infamy" for all jehovah's witnesses earthwide .
upcoming "events" & the "great tribulation" upon mystery "israel" -- jeremiah 30:7; matthew 24:21, 22; rev.
7:14. the bible makes a number of serious "predictions" about the future of mystery "israel," ... whom i propose to be jehovah's witnesses of our time.
Your first post was in regular type, you second one had quite a bit bolded. I only glanced at them as soon as i saw what they were: just a different version of watchtower type shit.
Will your next post be all bolded or all capital? Whatever.
matthew 24:14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
im new to this board game, but i have been reading the submissions and replies from .
'The end of this system of things hasn’t yet arrived' It really did come, but invisibly, as did:
1. the end of the gentile times in 1914
2. the judgement of christendom in 1918
3. the casting of satan out of heaven in 1914
4. the outpouring of the seven bowls of gods wrathe on the world in the 20' and 30's
5 the angelic transference of jehovahs truths to rutherford
6. the coming of jesus in 1914
7. the gnashing of the teeth of false religionists
... are three small towns in kansas.. well, they could be.. i saw an episode of this australian sci-fi series called 'farscape' a while back.
in it one of the main characters gets mistaken for a god on this planet he's stranded on.
although he loved the adulation, it all got very nasty when they realised he wasn't a god after all.. it made me think.
Amen brother abaddon
'Maybe what he meant was that we all have this light inside that burns without fuel or flame.' very coool
If jesus was real, if he said those things, their meaning was further obscured by the incomprehending writers. Having studied general spiritualism, i can spot the tremendous enlightenment spoken about in some of the words ascribed to jesus. Contrary to the antichrist charges leveled against me, i applaude many words credited to jesus. His selfproclaimed followers are another kettle of fish entirely. Most of their posts state that i have reached my conclusions because there is something wrong w me. It's sort of a continuation of my last judicial committee meeting. But i understand that judgementalism because i had it for years as a jw, and then for a while as a christian. I know 'jesus' didn't have it.
well sad to say it was not revelations of sweeping reform or "new light" on caring for the flock.
the first day was primarily rehash of old stuff.
Thanks messenger. Now we know more than the average publisher.
Third Son
Towards the end of my jw enlistment, i didn't get any time in. A kind old elder used to automatically put in a report for me for a couple of hours, and tell me about it after. I never did get around to making good on them. Oh well, i guess it's too late now.
Fifteen minute publishers - wow that's a good one. As stated this will serve to bring up the numbers. It will also ease the consciences of the older drones.
holocaust poodles .
it was william butler yeats who wrote, "the innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time.".
before the present time, before "the holocaust" was imposed on the world, independent thinking on this old globe was still possible.. mind you, the world was drenched in war, pestilence and political chicanery, but that is nothing compared with being drenched in judaism, which is what promulgation of "the holocaust" actually signifies, a secular means for judaizing the world.. by "the holocaust" i am not referring to hitler's various depredations but to the unconscionable exaggeration of those depredations, as reflected in the funhouse mirror of the east european khazar mentality.. "the holocaust" infects, corrupts and debases everything it touches because it is predicated on enshrining a master race (the self-chosen) in the name of fighting racism; because it is vengeance personified and because it occludes the greatest bloodbath of the 20th century, the holocaust that was communism, which makes hitler's brief foray into mass murder look like a picnic at pooh corner.. the remarkable quality of this veritable religion of holocaustianity is that its fantastic agit-prop concerning the second world war increases with time, a reversal of the aftermath of every other war in history, in which old wounds are healed and conciliatory facts emerge to counter the moldy yellow journalism of war-fevered fulmination.. and since jewish people are human, this happened to them too for a while.
Sounds about right.
hey all...i am in a bit of a dilemma over the situation with my girlfriend.
let me give you a bit of background info first.
when i was 12 my dad left my mom, he came back for my 13 birthday and then when he went to leave again, my mom tried to commit suicide.
Make sense? Absolutely. Don't let others hold you back. You have sacrificed enough.
I just found out this yr that i'm codependent. Can you give me some pointers for moving through this during the next few years?
Thanks and good luck
hey all...i am in a bit of a dilemma over the situation with my girlfriend.
let me give you a bit of background info first.
when i was 12 my dad left my mom, he came back for my 13 birthday and then when he went to leave again, my mom tried to commit suicide.
There isn't much to go on. It sounds like you are an aware person. Sometimes people from your background are coodependent. Symptoms are listed below. If you have a lot of them you could be. I'm curious, if you are a woman.
Characteristics of CoDependency (Person Addiction)
The following characteristics are typical of RELATIONALLY ADDICTIVE people. A "person addict" is known as a CODEPENDENT:
1. Typically, we come from a dysfunctional home in which our emotional needs were not met.
2. Having received little real nurturing ourselves, we try to fill this unmet need vicariously by becoming a caregiver, especially to people who appear, in some way, needy.
3. Because we were never able to change our parent(s) into the warm, loving caretaker(s) we longed for, we respond deeply to the familiar type of emotionally unavailable person whom we can again try to change through our love.
4. Terrified of abandonment, we will do anything to hold on to a relationship in order NOT to experience painful abandonment feelings which we received from living with people who were never there emoitonally for us.
5. Almost nothing is too much trouble, takes too much time, or is too expensive if it will "help" the person we are involved with.
6. Accustomed to lack of love in personal relationships, we are willing to wait, hope and try harder to please.
7. We tend to be willing to take far more than 50 percent of the responsibility, guilt and blame in any relationship.
8. Our selfesteem is critically low, and deep inside we believe we must earn the right to enjoy life.
9. We have a desperate need to control people and our relationships, having experienced little security in childhood. We mask our efforts to control people and situations as "being helpful."
10. In a relationship, we are much more in touch with ourdream of how it could be than with the reality of our situation.
11. We are addicted to a person or people and to emotional pain.
12. We may be predisposed emotionally and often biochemically to becoming addicted to drugs, alcohol, and/or certain foods, particularly sugary ones.
13. By being drawn to people with problems that need fixing, or by being enmeshed in situations that are chaotic, uncertain, and emotionally painful, we avoid focusing on our responsibility to ourselves.
14. We may have a tendency toward episodes of depression, which we try to forestall through the excitement provided by an unstable relationship.
15. To experience a one on one relationship, we are not attracted to a person who is kind, stable, reliable and interested in us. We find such "nice" people boring.
16. Since we have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility, it is easier for us to be concerned with others needs rather than ours. We tend not to take care of ourselves emotionally, physically, spiritually, and/or psychologically. This focus on others, in turn, has enabled us to avoid looking closely at our own faults.
17. We "stuff" our feelings from our traumatic childhoods and have lost the ability to feel or express our feelings because it hurts too muchour feelings our frozen.
18. We tend to sooner or later become isolated from and afraid of people and authority figures.
19. We have become approval seekers and have lost our identity in the process.
20. We are frightened by angry people and any personal criticism.
21. We live from the viewpoint of victims and are attracted by that weakness in our love and friendship relationships.
22. We judge ourselves harshly and without mercy.
23. We experience guilt feelings when we stand up for ourselves instead of giving in to others.
24. We confuse love with pity and tend to "love" people we can pity and rescue.
25. We tend to be perfectionistic and judgmental.
26. We are reactors in life rather than actors.
27. We are entangled in our relationships and we either lean excessively on another (or tolerate that behavior from another) rather than standing as separate individuals reaching out to relate to and help one another.
while there are many popular customs in the world.
that appear innocent, mature christians always put.
jehovah's view of matters first in their lives.. in recent times, it has been reported that some.
Here is the html version of techgnosis, magic and memory, for those who would like to read it.
while there are many popular customs in the world.
that appear innocent, mature christians always put.
jehovah's view of matters first in their lives.. in recent times, it has been reported that some.
@ a computer writer connects the computer lineage to, what christians would call occult. So really, since computers are a gift of satan, mature chritsians would have nothing to do with them, as they have nothing to do w christmas, birthdays, the un :), halloween etc.
Sorry, i couldn't find an html version of the essay.
a question to those who are still interested in reading the bible; which translation would you prefer?
the nwt or another - and if so, which one?.
:* richie
For me it's past tense, as in 'did', as i'm not into the bible anymore. Nrsv had my vote.