Bro Joe
One url popped a picture. Please see the other one as well.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
Bro Joe
One url popped a picture. Please see the other one as well.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
Bro Joe
These two urls together, give the names of wt reps who had to have signed the application to qualify to be listed here. The files i emailed you are scans of un documents describing the processes, the COURSES that the above mentioned reps would have been required to undergo to qualify their org as an ngo. These documents taken together are evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt of what the un expected of them, and that they promised to fufill them.
While the signitory document hasn't been released, these documents prove it exists. There are people here who are even more desirous of seeing this document than you are.
the watchtower society first published their kingdom.
interlinear translation of the greek sciptures (kit) in 1969.. it had a purple cover.. sixteen years latter, in 1985, the second edition was .
Jehovah inspires the wt every 16 years to update his book?? Amazing!!
never place a period where god has placed a comma.
gracie allen.
this forum is an excellent domain for the expression of subjective and relative truths.
Expressed and illustrated very well. i give it a 4.5 out of 5, if i can find where to do this.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
Bro Joe
'Does there exist a copy on the web of a paper signed by the governing body on which it is stated that the signers of the document agree with the ideals of the United Nations?' Yes
'governing body was lying' Yes
'JW had similarly lied to a government agency, would he or she have been disfellowshipped' Probably not. Its not important.
You miss the point, a point the wt itself has made a big deal about. For the wt to lie to the un is a secondary beef. The main point is that they agreed in writing to the un ideals and to spread the same. By their own standards making a declaration of support for the purple dinasour;), whether they meant it or not is an act of idolatry to the un directly and indirectly to satan. Those are wt ideas. So often they have trotted out daniels' 3 hebrew friends as shining examples who wouldn't bow to nebuchadnezers image. If those 3 jews had done it, but without really meaning it would not have mattered. The act would have been the sin. By wt standards, they still would have worshipped it directly and satan indirectly. It's a similar act the wt did (by their own standads) when they signed the un ngo form.
Thanks SS
yes imagine if after all the struggle and effort to break fee of jehovahs witnesses it turnred out that they were right all along.. the governing body were getting messages from god and were being used by him , proof came out that evolution was false.they found noahs ark and ancient manuscrips were found that proved the bible true.. also lasurus was still alive and well living in siberia.. the next thing we know religon has been banned.. there are signs in the sky and strange phenomenon.. we look up and see the moon turned to blood and the sign of the son of man appears in the heavens.. next to him is a flying pig.. we realise pigs don't fly .. we wake up sweating.. it was all a dream.. releaved its all over we get up for a new day.. we open the curtains, allwe can see is fire and brimstone.. we hear screams of tourture.. satan laughs.
I can see it now. Ark found. Watchtower magazine found inside noahs ark. Proof he existed and that he was a jehova witless. Well, maybe publishers in the future will be time travelling. Who knows?
jw urban legend making the rounds:.
a few months ago a brother from vero beach, florida in the course of his .
normal door-to-door ministry witnessed to a women of "middle eastern .
Exactly what was written in those mags that caused that man to do that? What dates were those? Inquiring minds want to know.
anyone see this show, or even hear of jws permitting such previously?.
Wow Mad
The pr counteroffensive. Heavy new light coming down the pipes. Jehovah is trying new gimmicks trying to keep ground they already have. I think satan is winning now. (To use their terminology;) )
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
Bro Joe
All the wt and un material that damns the wt has already been posted. Maybe a cursery reading doesn't get across the picture. I will try to answer your questions.
The scandle erupted here on this board about a month ago when kent, i believe found concrete evidence the wt had signed on as a un ngo.
Un favorable wt articles had appeared during the last decade. This was only noticed by very few jws. A question mark may have drifted through some of their minds, but really they are mass hypnotised in a supressive way. Natural reactions are suppressed/numbed. A reverent, nonquestioning thankfulness for new wt material has been entrained in their minds. Kind of like a dog awaiting his daily feeding. He happily wags his tail and gulps it down. If you added a few stones, he wouldn't notice, or he would strain to swallow them anyway. Savvy apostates did notice them and sqwacked, but then we sqwack about many wt falsities. As in a courtcase, even though there are indications of suspicion, nothing can be done until a piece of solid evidence is found. That was the un document.
The wt reasoning at headquarters may well have been as you have described, even though they were breaking their own rules, they may have felt they were looking out for the greater wt good. I agree that the wt never really meant a wholehearted support of the un and its principles. They were only compromisimg to achieve their own ends. What enrages us is that the headquarters has broken their own rules, rules that we, the r&f and they would have originally lived by as well as. These wt excerpts have been posted.
Wt articles do approve of lying to outdiders. wt Lying to the un would not upset us. The wt taking advantage of un services probably would not be too upsetting. What is upsetting is the wt act of signing the paper, saying they agree w un ideals and also egreeing to propagate those goals. This is the big bogey. Why? The wt material on this has been posted, but i will try to explain.
The wt and un have similar sounding goals: peace on earth. However the wt adds much to this. One of their main doctrines is that there are two orgs: jehovahs, made up of jesus, good angels and jws. On the opposing side is the devil, demons and all the people. There is supposed to be a huge contest between god and the devil. Satan is supposed to have challenged that he and the people are able to do well without gods directions. If humans succeed in making this earth peaceful, stopping crime etc, it would prove the devil right and god wrong. Jws are to support gods side of this contest at all times. Business, religion and politics are claimed to be satans main tools on the earth. The un is the presumed to be the main satanic political weapon which satan is using to prove mankind is capable of reaching peace without god. The wt act of signing that paper was, by wt rules a show of support for the challenge against god. It was traitorous, whatever the reasons, 'jehovah' would have been very upset, amost as much as when adam ate the apple, at eve/satans enticement.
If there are questions that remain in your mind, please make them clear, and i will again attempt to answer them.
delicate, soft, floating envelope.
what it is you conceal.... oh suffering soul, why do you want to know?.
i am dead inside, totally numb.
I liked it.