I don't do it myself. I like driving around and looking at others' beautiful colored led lights. I wish they would leave them up until spring.
i am just watching my neighbours across the road putting up christmas lights while their children run around bursting with excitement.
i am feeling all christmassy now.
can't wait for my daughter to come home from uni next weekend so we can go and buy a tree from the garden centre.
I don't do it myself. I like driving around and looking at others' beautiful colored led lights. I wish they would leave them up until spring.
so, with the ice storm hitting texas does this mean that they will now accept climate change is real?.
or will they just try firing guns at the clouds ....
Allah hates alberta. It competes w allah's oil countries.
science shows that humans have been living on earth more than 6000 years (contrary to ot chronology).
again inconsistency is pointed out in nt too which says jesus who did countless good worksincluding control over forces of nature and even death itselfyet people killed him, just like killing the duck that lays golden egg!.
despite such inconsistencies, a single verse in the bible can solve all our problems: don't call anyone on earth 'father,' because you have only one father, the one in heaven.
Cats of the world have a more unified voice than dogs do. Therefore, cats have the one true religion. Dogs go to hell;) unless they can learn the true meow.
science shows that humans have been living on earth more than 6000 years (contrary to ot chronology).
again inconsistency is pointed out in nt too which says jesus who did countless good worksincluding control over forces of nature and even death itselfyet people killed him, just like killing the duck that lays golden egg!.
despite such inconsistencies, a single verse in the bible can solve all our problems: don't call anyone on earth 'father,' because you have only one father, the one in heaven.
Does that one verse say that we are all god?
i notice a trend that suggests that many ladies either have a one carat or bigger diamond ring or much smaller if any.. do you have a diamond ring and if you do, what size carat is it?
Sapphires are pretty tough. Here is one on the nose cone of a missle
i don't recall jesus ever once telling people that they should even read the bible to find god.. he said nothing about 'taking in knowledge' either.. .
he didn't encourage people to read the bible because 90% of people in his day couldn't read!
the bible was not read by most people, it was -heard- when someone else read it aloud.
No. For instance, the native americans generally believed in a creator god. Their creator god is totally different than the bible creator god. The only commonality is a god concept.
siberia: recent studies of the dna of denisova hominin showed these ancient sub species homo-sapiens bred with neanderthals and the more more type of homo-sapien 40,000 years ago.
home-erectus was our common ancestor about 1 million years ago.
modern aborginese in the south pacific show common dna, about 17%, with the denisova.
Dunno who i am, anymore:(
not much new to report on the jw front.
happily, i and my family have been able to avoid them for the most part.
my ex-jw wife appears to be patching things up with her jw mother, and i am beginning to think that my non-jw father-in-law actually enjoyed watching me put his jw relations in their place.
True, it held society together. It did stunt growth, generally - scientific, personal. Growing, moving forward in ones path seems to me to be the imperitive. Whatever encourages that growth is a good thing. Whatever hinders that growth is a bad thing.
Thank you for your views. You have a wonderful ability to observe.
not much new to report on the jw front.
happily, i and my family have been able to avoid them for the most part.
my ex-jw wife appears to be patching things up with her jw mother, and i am beginning to think that my non-jw father-in-law actually enjoyed watching me put his jw relations in their place.
Carl jung called it the collective unconscious. I call it the collective subconscious.
Yes, christianity worked so poorly in the real world, that religion had to be separated from politics, schools, business, science. I find that paying attention to the collective subconscious is more practical.
I think that we, you and me, see similar patterns emerging but we use different descriptors. I could be wrong, of course.
typical male brain top, typical female brain below.. .
researchers found that many of the connections in a typical male brain run between the front and the back of the same side of the brain, whereas in women the connections are more likely to run from side to side between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Men are the hunter gatherers. They would rather out and bring in a new one than use one they already got;) Can't do that so easily w keys.