yes wasblind, Jesus has been eliminated and the GB are in fact deifying themselves. Just wonder what the future holds now for the jw themselves. scary thought.
JoinedPosts by vangogh
Need article about looking to the slave rather than Christ for salvation
by Bonnie_Clyde ini thought there was something recently.
clyde says he needs it soon to show a friend, and i don't know where to find it.
can i get it off ?
Need article about looking to the slave rather than Christ for salvation
by Bonnie_Clyde ini thought there was something recently.
clyde says he needs it soon to show a friend, and i don't know where to find it.
can i get it off ?
it would be good for anybody to have something in print from the society that is worded by them clearly stating that they are themselves the only mediator to show to anybody then show them and preferably get them to read out aloud 1st Timothy 2:5,6. There cant be a scripture more clear as to who the one and only mediator is.
'JeremIah' book
by vangogh ini came across this you tube video.
most of us are aware of the subject anyway but i thought it could be of interest to anybody talking with a jw about the date of the destruction of jerusalem.
on page 55 of the 'jeremiah' book, the writers clearly try and associate dr mazar with the 607 date by careful use of the words, its skilfully crafted to make the reader think dr mazar agrees with the 607 date.
i came across this you tube video. Most of us are aware of the subject anyway but I thought it could be of interest to anybody talking with a jw about the date of the destruction of Jerusalem. On page 55 of the 'Jeremiah' book, the writers clearly try and associate Dr Mazar with the 607 date by careful use of the words, its skilfully crafted to make the reader think Dr Mazar agrees with the 607 date. If you watch the video you can see that Dr Mazar clearly states that the date of destruction was 586 bce. In the 'Jeremiah' book, the way its written on p55,this a clear example of wt deception, the point is that this deception is aimed at the rank and file witness as that is who the book is mainly written for. Il try post link to make it easier, havnt done that before so if it doesnt work properly im sorry. The video itself is easy to find its The Daily trumpet channel and interview with Dr Eilat Mazar. Its an interesting video to watch anyway, if your interested as I am on the archaeology of Jerusalem and biblical archaeology in general.
What's in it for them? (GB)
by SyntaxError1974 inif the wbts is just another business?
then what do the gb get out of all this?.
tim cook (ceo apple) makes around 378 million a year.. donald trump makes around 60 million a year.. i understand the wbts may have vast property holdings, stocks, bonds, and revenue from donations.. but i can't grasp the incentive for the gb to make this stuff up.
If any of us were to live in a 'society' where everYthing was provided for us and no one to answer to which one of us would need money?, also, I do honestly believe the GB know exactly what they are doing, they have to be aware of all thats going on to be able to keep control. Now they are the ones that give to everyone else and if they make mistakes they can blame it on the rank and file for 'taking it the wrong way', I honestly believe that they know exactly what they are doing, they also know well the truth of all the things they have been shown to have been involved in, the UN etc. To tell the rank and file not to look for information other than what JW .org churns out, obviously shows in itself that they are totaly aware of the information thats out there. The GB are gods in their own world.
Are your Ready for Sunday's WT...1914...
by Legacy into all who are still active...& those who are not...... is everyone ready for wt for everyone ready to see the friends faces, that will pretend all is well.
but their minds will be racing.
i started the about confusing...but maybe on purpose only a few in the hall will be able to break it down.
lol Frankie
Does Anyone Remember the "Around The World Assemblies"?
by titch inso, being that it is 2013, i recall that it was 50 years ago, that the "around the world assemblies" were held.
for those of us who lived in southern california, the first week of september was when we had the assembly, and it was held at the rose bowl in pasadena.
yep, the rose bowl, with no seats, per se, but just those hard benches as seats.
I was at Twickenham too, I still remember it, often think how 'the truth' has vastly changed since then, of course 'the light gets brighter' oh yea, was at Wembley too when 1975 was just around the corner ( of course that was our fault for taking it the wrong way) and 'time was so short', oh yea! I just hope people do research into ' The Truth' and do as the Watchtower says in the july 1st 2013 public issue page 7 under heading 'Is Any Religeon Deserving of Trust' at the very end where it says 'Examine their teachings and their record. Then decide for yourself if a religeon exists that you can trust', Well just hope folk do what that watchtower suggests and they do and examine the watchtowers record too and hopefully the light will get brighter for them also.
EX Jehovah's Witness on BBC WM in the United Kingdom
by uk_ex_jw inworth a listen on the podcast.
talking on the issues of his life as a jehovah's witness and the child abuse issues.. plus a backlash afterwards by a few jw sympathisers..
i'm sure there are a lot of people who listened to that radio programme who felt as i did, that same deep sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me feel unwell because i know what that guy said to be true and then listening to the statement given out by the society., its always the same thing, everything denial, denial denial they have denied the most their past teachings,all the 'truth' that was 'spriitual food' that came from God and now 1914 and im sure they have thought out how to get round their teachings on 607bc . I just hope and pray that people will do their research about this cult before they are too far involved and indoctrinated.
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
I am coming up to 60 now and even though all these years have passed since I was caught up in all that period and lost my college education; I was 'fortunate' that was all i lost and not my home etc, sorry, the folks who went through that all know what im talking about. Then for the Society and even a lot of dubs to turn it all round and just say 'oh well, it was really our own fault and that folk were expecting too much , again, you all will know what i am talking about. Although I get that sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I think of back then and when I read of that time such as in here, I am so glad in a sickening kind of way because it proves to me personaly how wicked that f******* (sorry the thought of them makes me swear) organization really is. When I read through the New Testament and Jesus's words and then through the letters of Paul, what they say and the feeling I get from reading those passages is so diametrically opposed from all that crap the society powers out, it just proves to me personally that the words in deuteronomy where God warns of these false prophets is so true. Just look at the damage the Society has done to ordinary decent peoples lives and nothing but good Jesus's words did for people, doesnt that in itself speak the truth about 'The Truth'. Sorry going on and on but i know so many others must feel same way. They are just a publishing company where its its own preservation comes before anything or anyone else.
Publications pdf request
by trackregister99 ini collecting many pdf of watchtower publications.
and i get some by, but i found that other missing are in this forum.
but i found that many of senspace links are dead.
Thanks very much for the links Caminante
and here in the northern hemishere , a lot of people were really feeling for those poor folks in australia who's calendar had ran out 12 hours earlier. glad it was realised by those people who had prophesied it that it was a new beginning and not the end.... i guess the light got bright for them.