scotland..... hope everyone has a great time when you do all meet up.
JoinedPosts by vangogh
A one sentence reply that could jolt a JW
by HBH inmy mind was wandering last night, and i though of this as a reply to a jw.. "oh, your the people who believe 8 men in brooklyn, ny are directing the world's only true religion.".
the sentence is a fact that they can't deny, but clearly shows delusion.
any other one sentence "stingers"?.
maybe it wont be too long before, JW's are baptised in the name of the Father, the govering body and the Holy Spirit, the GB have put themselves into that position in anycase anyway, it is only a matter of time. JWs do 'worship' them even though they wont admit it but the JWs have elevated them, in their minds, onto a plateaux above us all .
A one sentence reply that could jolt a JW
by HBH inmy mind was wandering last night, and i though of this as a reply to a jw.. "oh, your the people who believe 8 men in brooklyn, ny are directing the world's only true religion.".
the sentence is a fact that they can't deny, but clearly shows delusion.
any other one sentence "stingers"?.
sorry, I meant Michael the archangel created the heavens and the Earth, . also, you are the people who baptise people in the name of the Father, Michael the Archangel and the Holy Spirit...
A one sentence reply that could jolt a JW
by HBH inmy mind was wandering last night, and i though of this as a reply to a jw.. "oh, your the people who believe 8 men in brooklyn, ny are directing the world's only true religion.".
the sentence is a fact that they can't deny, but clearly shows delusion.
any other one sentence "stingers"?.
This one always comes to my mind although im sure i wont be the first to have thought of it.... 'In the beginning Jesus the Archangel created the heavens and the Earth............
NEWBIES are leaving like crazy! Be very afraid WT
by clarity in# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
welcome and best wishes to you, it is a great site, yes.
What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?
by Julia Orwell inmost of us here on jwn, while we can get a bit narky at times, can put forth intelligent arguments and sound observations.
sure we can get bogged down with our opinions, but generally we back up our opinions with examples and evidence, and if someone has a different opinion with examples and evidence, we accept that without recriminations.
that's what adults do.. so my question is, why in the last week or so, have a couple of posters claiming to be jws come onto this forum and berated, spewed hate and judgement, and in some cases verbally attacked members personally?
I feel that too, the truth is hurting, they know they are trapped and cant get out. They realise they are being 'had', its playing at the back of their minds but they have invested so much of their own selves and more. All their friends and often family too are jw. They are in a corner with nowhere to go so start lashing out.They are exactly where the watchtower want them to be, all they can do now is to defend the watchtower, they truely are 'captives of a concept'.
great must see video!
by haboob48 inhaving trouble getting video to post sorry..hope the link works.. .
love it! Well done, you said it all there, thats what should have been shown at the AGM lol
1 Sam.14:31-35 The soldiers of Saul disobeyed Gods law regarding blood and were excused.Does the NNWT bible contain this account?
by smiddy ini`m just curious if this account is in their grey bible.
in all the years i went to meetings, that scripture was never brought up,. when i read my bible now (not the NWT) so many things are plain to see and understandable. I realise now how much the society had thrown chains over our minds. Witnesses say that they read the bible, they dont, they maybe see words but the society's propaganda has conditioned minds so much that they read the bible in the context of the literature and the GB present 'truth' , the tragedy of it is they cant see it.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY believe the bible is the most important spiritual food
by Watchtower-Free inin my 50+ years as a jw i have never been aware of them ever having a campaign.
concentrating on distributing bibles.
their "preaching" is totally about their own.
@stand for pure worship, oh how wrong you are!! im sorry,,,,,,,,you are!! very wrong! I truly hope and pray that through time you will come to see the the truth about 'the truth'.
Today's WT Study (Who is the FDS - Sep 2013)
by ohnightdivine inplease share how your wt study went today...
yes they are the boss now and run the house now and are kings of the world BUT if anything goes wrong they blame everyone else, the buck most definately does not stop with them. They have set themselves up and now they want all the jw's money, the coming watchtower study articles make that plain to see, provision for the society first, then provide for jw's families with whats left. scary indeed.