What Simon said.
Also Wing Commander asked:
”the Canucks and UK, etc telling the USA how much better they all have it since they are un-armed Sheeple. To them I ask, "How's that working out for you? How does living under the Queen/King rule, working out for you? How are you enjoying your Islamic slums governed by Sharia Law?" ”
We don’t really live under queen/king rule but whatever it is, it’s pretty good actually on the whole. Not sure what it’s got to do with gun crime though. I’ve probably missed an obvious link tho!
As for “Islamic slums” - I haven’t noticed any here in the U.K. I work for a company that has a very large percentage of people of Islamic faith. I’m not aware that any are under shariah law (assuming you mean “cutting off the hand of thieves” etc perception of said law). Again not sure what that has to do with gun crime.
That said, point taken that restricting gun laws won’t eliminate people committing mass murder. The numbers killed/injured by other means do seem to be a lot lower, on the whole, and less frequent than the number of mass murders and victims at one time from firearms. That’s just my perception and you may well have the evidence to prove that perception to be wrong.