I do have to agree with 'the Judge' on one thing, all religion is a snare and a racket. Religion has been used to control people. There is a greater awareness of this happening all around us now. Listen to many of today's thinking people and they are discovering that religions have caused more pain and bloodshed than any other single human cause.
Your wars going on today between India and Pakistan, Israel and Palestine, Catholics and Protestants in Ireland are not for water rights, geography, or oil, but rather for hatred that they have for one another. And this has been taught to them through their religion from the day they were born. They are all deep rooted religious wars.
Take for example the Bible, If you were to count all the people that were killed by the hand of God or at least ordered killed by him amounts to over 1 million people!! The Bible and other so called holy books teach that concept of punitive exclusiveness, meaning that we are the only right ones and if you don't agree with us you will suffer punitive damages.
If you want to look for the earliest form of Christianity, hence true christianity, you will not find it in the Christian religions of today, but rather with the teachings of the Gnostics. Their teachings were more deeply rooted in the Mysteries and the Pagan myths back then than the surface teachings you find in today's religions.
The fact that one does not belong to a religion does not make that one less spiritual, nor the fact that one belongs to one make him/her that more spiritual either.