Rather a loosely used term - a bit like "fascist".
The term "brainwashing" first appeared during the Korean War (1950-53), with reference to the way in which Allied prisoners of war were treated. That brutal treatment included extreme physical torture, as well as more subtle "mind control" techniques - which included (but was not limited to) indoctrination. 70 years later, the jury is still out on exactly how effective this was in permanently turning a person's political (let alone religious) persuasions. Using that description of "brain washing", then no, Jehovah's Witnesses are not subjected to it.Of course, the expression "brain washing" is often more loosely applied the general process of indoctrination - which let's face it, we are all exposed to through the advertising industry. (Furthermore, the $733 billion which the world spends per year on advertising indicates how effective this must be). To that extent, then yes, JWs - along with most of the world's population - are brainwashed.