JoinedTopics Started by Rivergang
Diligence and Enthusiasm - LDS vs JWs
by Rivergang inon a scale of 1 to 100, i would put the lds in the high 90s, and the witnesses at about minus 10.. these days (well, around here at least) one encounters the mormon missionaries all over the place.
if they are not knocking at your door, they are approaching you out in the street.
of late, this has been happening all the bloody time!.
Did Watchtower Really Teach That Armageddon Was Coming in 1954?
by Jerome56 inin the march 2025 jw broadcast david splane in his morning worship talk mentioned that "some thought" that armageddon would come 40 years after 1914. such statements are usually meant to shift the blame of their own false predictions on to their members for speculating.
however, i was unable to find anything in print showing that such a thing was indeed taught by the society.
was this really a thing?.
The Share of Religious Americans will continue to decline- New York Times. Why? New Pew Study
by Balaamsass2 inlocally, in northern california i have seen/heard a drop in jw and mainstream church attendance especially in person attendance.
(exception: a new creepy local new-age charismatic/pentecostal group: "bethel church" 11,000 and growing mega church(kundalini yoga/sex combined with prosperity gospel, trumpism, guns, rock music, dancing, glitter, speaking in tongues, and faith healing).. for me this paragraph sums it up regarding jehovah's witnesses: " ...smith described organized religion to me as having become a “polluted” idea in the american mainstream, because of the publicity around sex abuse scandals and financial malfeasance in many different faiths in the ’80s and ’90s as millennials came of age.
“the scandals violated most of the virtues believed to make religion good,” smith wrote.
Is Jesus a Created Being? Debate with a Pastor
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/ro6q_osgkns?si=hyxualluhruwvjnb.
—colossians 1:15 from the nwt says it plain as day: “he is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation.” that’s not vague; it’s got a punch.
“firstborn” and “creation” sit side by side, and in greek, that second word is “ktisis,” which means the physical stuff—trees, stars, you name it.
In the past 24 hours, the world has been breaking into fragments. What will be the Outcome??
by liam innew german chancellor merz has won the election.
trump congratulated his victory but the response was not what trump expected.
merz condemned america, saying that america seemed to be aligning with russia.. he also expressed doubts about nato’s future.. he is now advocating that germany must gain independence from usa.
Did you have a written schedule?
by karter inthe wts encouraged us to have one, i alway found it funny when people would desplay it where everyone could see it to show how busy they are in the lords work.. karter..
Even DEMONS were conned by the org into believing 1975 was the end!
by BoogerMan inyb71 p. 97 country reports (part one) - "in malta there is a monk reputed to have the powers of a seer, in the confessional being able to know a person’s sins before they are even confessed.
a woman in one of the villages was having family trouble, and made a journey to this confessor in the hope of getting some hidden information by the monk’s psychic powers.
after being told of the problem, the monk said: “don’t worry about it, my dear, the end of all things is very near!” another woman in the same village, somewhat opposed to the truth, told this to her husband, who is having a bible study.
News of fires out of control in California
by ballistic inhope everyone near to the region affected in california is ok. it's shocking to hear of the destruction.
these affected areas are some of the places i visited when i came on a tour of the us.
malibu, santa barbera, la, santa monica, hollywood and so on..
WT HQ is never proactive, they are reactive to everything put out showing their blatant hypocrisy and abject stupidity
by WingCommander ina few on here (and of course many on the ex-jw reddit forum) have mentioned that wt hq just recently (like in the past couple months) put out a video warning against the praising of jw actors, taking photos with them, etc.
to not do it anymore.
it was narrated by geoffrey jackson.
FAQ LIES: Dress Codes
by neat blue dog inspeaking to the general public:.
frequently asked questions...is there a dress code?no.
however, jehovah’s witnesses try to dress modestly and respectfully.. meanwhile, speaking to members out of the other side of their mouth:.