that was a brilliant illustration, I'm going to remember that one. Hear you, too. I'm 64 and until my husband got too sick to work, we were cleaning for a living and scraping by. Husband was a pioneer for awhile, too. We brought up 3 kids and had no money for pension plans. Now, we're still working albeit doing something different, but still working 7 days a week, just to keep a float. We've been told we work because we're materialistic but we have nothing nice. No holidays. Old car. We just pay the bills. Work is a sin in my congregation. I left school at 16, no qualifications. We were encouraged to pioneer, the end is right around the corner. You won't see middle age. It just saddens me to see the cycle continually repeated.
Conventions were the social occasion of the year. Much planning went into convention outfits! It was a chance to meet people. We never listened to anything, we were there to have fun. If you volunteered you might miss all the talks! I once spent the entire convention slicing tomatoes for sandwiches. It was great fun!