Those food trays we had back in the 60s, with separate compartments for your food. I loved them.
Volunteering in the food department. I spent one entire convention slicing tomatoes for sandwiches, never heard a word of the talks! I loved working in the food dept.
Making friends - it was our one opportunity to make new friends. Months of planning went into convention outfits so we'd look our best. We'd come home with loads of addresses of new friends to write to. The convention was the highlight of our social calendar!
I don't ever remember taking notes! When I got older and had kids, conventions were a ordeal. Trying to cope with two young children and a newborn in a freezing cold UK football stadium was no fun. Sitting on hard seats for hours. I remember thinking why are we putting ourselves through this? Sometimes it was so cold older people would get hypothermia. We would say 'the America brothers wouldn't put up with this'