Thank you for this, I would have never seen it otherwise.
thought you might like to hear that the fight for truth and justice is far from over.. https://www.facebook.com/ttattfilm/videos/1911836498830119/.
Thank you for this, I would have never seen it otherwise.
new system, brother, sister , kingdom hall, wordly person, in the truth .
there is a whole jw language that has to be deprogrammed..
I could never get my head around COBE - Coordinator of body of elders...is that right? I'm still not sure.
I got told off because I kept forgetting so would call him the 'CBeebies' (BBC programming for kids!)
having just watched john cedars latest youtube video i am appalled that jws do not make up part of the investigation into institutions that have failed to protect children from sexual abuse.. i have emailed and begged them to reevaluate their decision.. if anyone else wants to do so, this is the email i used, i don't know if it's the right one, it's on their website.. [email protected].
Having just watched John Cedars latest Youtube video I am appalled that JWs do not make up part of the investigation into institutions that have failed to protect children from sexual abuse.
I have emailed and begged them to reevaluate their decision.
If anyone else wants to do so, this is the email I used, I don't know if it's the right one, it's on their website.
is it a common practice for jw parents to kick their children out of the home, if the child doesn't want to be a jw.
(even though their not disfellowshipped they will still get kicked out for not going to meetings etc.??).
do other religions encourage kicking family members out this as well?
I've have heard of some that have been unceremoniously kicked out. I know I would have been if I had stayed living at home and not gone to the meetings.
I saw a comment on Youtube where someone knew a sister who said 'if they aren't baptized by 16, their bags will be at the front door.'
But generally speaking, most parents wouldn't kick their kids out.
i'm just curious with all the happy clapping that is now going on with the singing at the conventions.
what has been the reaction to it with the r&f.
has anyone ever commented that it reminded them of a pentecostal revival meeting.
*vision of elder with swaying hips* is now in my mind!
They were, weren't they? Except 'Take Sides With Jehovah' Remember that rousing chorus? My dad used to belt it out.
I quite like some of the new songs but they all do sound a bit Pentecostal. Not very reverent.
I went to Rome a couple of years back and visited a small church my son and I came across. It was so quiet and peaceful in there and seemed more of a spiritual place that the kingdom halls. I remember feeling very guilty because I preferred it to the kingdom hall.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08yw11v at 28 minutes.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/26/jehovahs-witnesses-attacked-charity-commission-paedophilia-cover/ charity commission investigation report.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40719773?sthisfb written article on rose questioning his victim.
I had a surprising reaction by my devout witness friend to the BBC news last night. Her and her husband were outraged at the news. They were so shocked. My friend said when she came home from work today, her husband said he'd been reading up about child abuse in the JWs and he was furious. He said how can we go knocking on doors while the organization is hiding perverts??
I found this response encouraging because it shows it is getting through to some brothers and sisters.
well let me start with my age is 13 and i have been thinking about this jw thing and i need help i just dont know if i want to be one any more.. the help i need is some one to send me some links to places i can research i just dont know if i want to study with a jw any more..
Hi Akid48,
you sound a really smart kid. I wish I had been as smart as you at 13.
Everyone on here will help you. Get a good education and above all, listen to what everyone has said and do not get pushed into baptism. No matter what they say, do not do it.
If I wasn't flying under the radar so to speak (trying to fade away quietly) I would share this all over my social media accounts. Well done BBC for such good coverage.
These vile elders make me sick. This is now becoming such a common story and JWs are so utterly blind they will read this and think it's Satan attacking them.
As a victim myself of sexual abuse by someone who became an elder, I am continually appalled by the extent to which elders will go to protect themselves and each other.
Sorry. Rant over :)
i don't mean for anyone to get into argument over this, i just want to hear what people believe.i hope that no one will mock or argue with someone else about their beliefs, i know that i won't in this topic.. i still believe in a christian god, not what jws believe, but believe that there has to be something after this life.
i am not sure about how armageddon would go, would it be like how evangelicals believe with a rapture or timing or anything, though i still believe in a form of armageddon.
i do think that all good people will go to heaven but i don't believe in a hell.
@James Jack
I'm with you, too! So confused.
i don't mean for anyone to get into argument over this, i just want to hear what people believe.i hope that no one will mock or argue with someone else about their beliefs, i know that i won't in this topic.. i still believe in a christian god, not what jws believe, but believe that there has to be something after this life.
i am not sure about how armageddon would go, would it be like how evangelicals believe with a rapture or timing or anything, though i still believe in a form of armageddon.
i do think that all good people will go to heaven but i don't believe in a hell.
John Davis
I may be in the minority but I do still believe in God. I still believe there is something else other than this life. I hope there is, I really do.