My so-called devout JW parents violently fought almost every single day. Rows were constant. Screaming, hitting, beating, smashing up stuff, throwing anything they could get their hands on. Both parent as bad as each other. It was a living nightmare leaving me completely traumatized as a child (well, that and the sexual assaults by my brother...but that's another story) Then they went to the meetings as if nothing had happened.
In my congregation a sister left her JW husband because he hit her regularly. Do you know what the COBE said to her? He said: 'You do realise you are now going to die at Armageddon.'
Another sister I know left her JW husband after years of abuse. Her elders tolerated it but she was denied any privileges in the congregation. She wasn't even so much as allowed to make tea at a quick build (when they had them) or give a talk or pioneer - nothing. She could go on the ministry and meetings, that's all.