I'm with Sir82 and JW GoneBad
He isn't a regular guy. If he was we wouldn't be making such a deal over this.
This man has a profound effect on people's lives. Your families lives. He condemns people. Judges people. He lambastes people for not going out in the ministry enough. Tells them they have blood on their hands. He dictates to people how they will live their lives. With his cronies, he tries to control everything. Their clothes. Their education. Their future. He relishes being part of God's killing machine at 'Armageddon' and he arrogantly refers to Jesus as his 'big brother'
I know JWs who think the GB live like monks. Small cell like rooms. Basic food. No comforts. They have no idea the lavish lifestyle they have and they contribute huge amounts of money they can't afford to fund it and worse, they are riddled with guilt because they wish they had the 'faith' the GB have.
Tony Morris is no regular man doing a regular thing and I hope this video clip bites him where it hurts - hard.