I suspect hardly any of the rank and file will ever see it and if they do, they won't believe it. Remember Jeffery Jackson at the ARC? How many said it was an 'impersonator'
Also, watching Watchtower in Focus with Lloyd discussing this, didn't the WT say to the person who brought it up with them that we must look for the good in our brothers.
Also, I'd like to know, are the GB exempt from the vow of poverty and the rule that anyone entering bethel has to give them any money they have?
It's totally hypocritical to tell a child to give their ice cream money to the organization while splashing out on booze, wherever the money came from.
Don't forget, this is one of the men that allows children to continue to be abused, that condones destroying families, that allows people to die when blood might save them and that told the brothers that if you haven't been in the ministry you have blood on your hands and deserve to die.
I'm not cutting him any slack at all. I don't care if he needs to catch a break, don't we all? I can barely afford to feed myself let alone buy a bottle of alcohol.