Well what rule of thumb do you think these financial dim-wits dream up?
KH A gives $$$$$$$$$$. KH B gives $$. KH B will without a doubt be the one to get sold.
well what rule of thumb do you think these financial dim-wits dream up?
i think those not sending in their money to the org are some of the first properties to unload while you spare the higher payers for last.
you don't want to piss off the loyal contributers by making them miss meetings,, that's a no win situation so dump the free loaders as a negative asset and keep the more profitable ones.. and those who's loans the wt forgave, watch what happens if you're not send in those regular payments like before, and slack off by a significant amount.
Well what rule of thumb do you think these financial dim-wits dream up?
KH A gives $$$$$$$$$$. KH B gives $$. KH B will without a doubt be the one to get sold.
well how's it going round your way?
massive increase of interested ones?
did you even know it was supposed to be happening?
No difference at all where I am at either.
Same old seat fillers in the same seats, spouting the same parroted drivel.
so the wife was watching the latest installment of jw broadcasting and near the end there was a new segment on dating and courtship.
it starts at about the 39 minute mark:.
I doubt any eyes will be opened as a result of this idiotic propaganda clip.
I did notice that a man watching sports is bad, you should be washing dishes with the women. And yes, I did my share of that growing up, it was good training for later. Looking at a vehicle that would be reliable, have a warranty for any unforeseen repairs, thus freeing up valuable time for the oh so important sit on your ass cart work is bad, but having a mansion and the best of appliances and gadgets by the parents is good.
I also noticed that the future husband is in the normal JDub manner a total whipped looking wimp. Why are less than indoctrinated JW's always good looking and the fully brainwashed JDub men with pretty fair looking wives look like the typical zit faced nerd in junior high school?
the message would appear to be that jehovah needs money more than that old lady needs food:.
If by some miracle the eldurr conducting the Sunday morning parrot session for this WT lowers himself to call on FedUp I am going to mention the older woman at the empty cupboard by name. I will call her Sister Hubbard. . .
hi ive heard a romour that any jws that want a printed copy of the new song book to use at the kh will have to order one otherwise they will not get one.ithink they are trying to make people use tablets to view the song book.
as the new songbook is only 154 pages is this yet another money saving event in the borg .
@startingover re: old versus new song.
Well so much for making public declaration. Just send the cash! I believe I can point that little fact out to the gung ho JDubs as they make their comparisons.
hi ive heard a romour that any jws that want a printed copy of the new song book to use at the kh will have to order one otherwise they will not get one.ithink they are trying to make people use tablets to view the song book.
as the new songbook is only 154 pages is this yet another money saving event in the borg .
My question, how do poor jws afford a tablet, in the US or other countries?
They don't. They just get looked down upon as spiritually weak for not keeping up with J's chariot. Of course there are a few who like me refuse to be forced into the fad of buying the latest, greatest, shiniest, fastest new electronic gadget. I prefer to keep my money in my pocket, not on display. We are basically condamned because we can afford those gadgets and choose not to use them.
hi ive heard a romour that any jws that want a printed copy of the new song book to use at the kh will have to order one otherwise they will not get one.ithink they are trying to make people use tablets to view the song book.
as the new songbook is only 154 pages is this yet another money saving event in the borg .
I wonder how many jws can read music any more?
If one were to judge by the sound of the "singing" at the local KH I still go to for the sake of still in relatives. . .NONE.
as if anymore proof were needed that what used to be the religion i was baptized into has ceased to exist i was asked this insane question, when i mentioned to a jdub that someone i knew was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
are they witnesses?".
i didn't used to really think about that insane question in the past, but now that i have woke up to ttatt it is glaringly obvious that they think there can be no chance of actually knowing and getting along with anyone outside their tiny circle of conditional friends.
And even more insanity at the WT session this morning.
Paragraph stated that, "Until they talk with Jehovah’s Witnesses, many do not understand what sin is,. . ."
The blatant arrogance of the writer could only be mistaken by the idiots who were feeling the orgasmic tingle down their legs as they gleefully opined about how no one except Jdubs really know what sin is until the Jdubs with the help of the governing body bring that news to the people's doors. I nearly gagged on the "comments".
The growing insanity on the part of so many members of this cult should be of concern to the medical profession.
as if anymore proof were needed that what used to be the religion i was baptized into has ceased to exist i was asked this insane question, when i mentioned to a jdub that someone i knew was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
are they witnesses?".
i didn't used to really think about that insane question in the past, but now that i have woke up to ttatt it is glaringly obvious that they think there can be no chance of actually knowing and getting along with anyone outside their tiny circle of conditional friends.
As if anymore proof were needed that what used to be the religion I was baptized into has ceased to exist I was asked this insane question, when I mentioned to a JDub that someone I knew was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. . ."How do you know them? Are they Witnesses?"
I didn't used to really think about that insane question in the past, but now that I have woke up to TTATT it is glaringly obvious that they think there can be no chance of actually knowing and getting along with anyone outside their tiny circle of conditional friends. When I said it was a person I knew because of common interests, not a JDub or someone I worked with, you would have thought they were going to faint dead away from shock and disappointment.
As another poster used to say before I joined this forum, "Let's review. IT'S A CULT!"
the last kh i attended, (faded) was built in 2014. there are no windows anywhere, although the front doors are glass.
it's nothing but a brown brick rectangle, as nondescript as possible as well.. any thoughts about why?.
I just had the unfortunate experience of being in a KH in a different city, for the sake of family still in.
No windows, single wide steel door with no window, and the door was promptly locked from the inside at the start of the meeting. Anyone who was late, or like me stepped outside for some fresh air and elbow room, had to knock loudly on the door and be re-admitted by one of the attendants who glared and made a comment about not appreciated the "food at the proper time".