How do the GB micro-manage people's lives today?
How don't they?
how do the gb micro-manage people's lives today?one example is their micro management in dress and grooming.
eg their view of beards.
elders in most congs will take a brother to a corner and remind him why jws don't grow beards.
How do the GB micro-manage people's lives today?
How don't they?
ok, so i've just put myself through another months broadcast so i can see what bull they're feeding my still in relatives.
all was going fine... well, i say fine, i mean the usual cheesy videos, rehearsed reactions from jeffrey jackson (you remember him, the one who told half truths and lies at the royal commission) and propaganda from jw land.. the last feature brings up 9/11 and the paris 2015 attack at the bataclan.
just as im thinking "how are they gonna spin this in their direction" i hear these words:.
Luke 6:32 (NIV): "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them."
That statement alone is enough to condamn the JDubs. Even sinners love those who love them, yet many of the Dubyas are some of the most back-biting, hateful, petty, gossiping, hypocritical, un-loving, split tongued, reviling, a--holes one would ever have the displeasure to meet.
i'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash.
i'll keep the watchtower books that are not available online anymore (e.g.
the brown "reasoning" book).
Hard copies of the "Proclaimers" book and just for the heckuvit my old original "paradise" book.
Otherwise the CD libraries are plenty. Even direct printouts from those though are now dismissed by JDubs as unverifiable "apostate" propaganda in my area.
says it all really.
total hypocrisy once again..
Question 6, 7: "In the matter of rendering humans honor, how do Jehovah's Witnesses differ from many people?"
Par. 6 "Hence, young and old alike look to them as role models, perhaps imitating their mannerisms, dress, or conduct. [Par. 7] True Christians refrain from such a distorted view of honoring humans."
This s--t printed just after five pages of showing "special attention" to a human!
I only got this far before I could not stomach anymore of the hypocrisy. But maybe, just maybe I will go to the meeting, raise my hand for the question, and IF I should get called on make the following comment, "Unlike humans who are influenced by Satan's world who place their religious leaders on a pedestal, looking to them as role models and imitating their dress or conduct; Jehovah's Witnesses NEVER will place their religious leaders on any sort of public pedestal such as TV, or hold then up as examples of dress, grooming, or conduct because they do not want God to be sad that they have given more honor and respect to them than is due!"
i just happened to read a news article from some months ago about doctors having performed a successful penis transplant.
the recipient lost his due to cancer, and doctors expect him to gain full use of his "new" penis, including sexual activities.
considering some of the more goofy interpretations of doctrine that the gooberning body trots out that the rank and file must obey under penalty of shunning i wonder if a man had this surgery, would he and or his wife be df'd for adultery?
Great answers so far. Perhaps they both would be DF'd for engaging in a threesome?
i just happened to read a news article from some months ago about doctors having performed a successful penis transplant.
the recipient lost his due to cancer, and doctors expect him to gain full use of his "new" penis, including sexual activities.
considering some of the more goofy interpretations of doctrine that the gooberning body trots out that the rank and file must obey under penalty of shunning i wonder if a man had this surgery, would he and or his wife be df'd for adultery?
sparky1 had the best answer IMO. I asked more in humor than in genuinely wanting to know. Thanks for the replies to all.
i just happened to read a news article from some months ago about doctors having performed a successful penis transplant.
the recipient lost his due to cancer, and doctors expect him to gain full use of his "new" penis, including sexual activities.
considering some of the more goofy interpretations of doctrine that the gooberning body trots out that the rank and file must obey under penalty of shunning i wonder if a man had this surgery, would he and or his wife be df'd for adultery?
I just happened to read a news article from some months ago about doctors having performed a successful penis transplant. The recipient lost his due to cancer, and doctors expect him to gain full use of his "new" penis, including sexual activities. Considering some of the more goofy interpretations of doctrine that the gooberning body trots out that the rank and file must obey under penalty of shunning I wonder if a man had this surgery, would he and or his wife be DF'd for adultery? Another mans penis would have penetrated her, and it would have been done with his full approval. That just HAS to be wrong according to the GB.
nobody who voted for it has read it
Well "we have to pass it to know what is in it." I seem to remember that statement coming from the Botox Queen herself!
my wife's mother has alzheimer.
it is progressing to the point that she is writing things like she wishes she was dead and does not want to live.
if you know my mil you would know this is not her at all.
dont go throwing your money at them
That's why with no exceptions whenever I am told about brother so-and-so, or sister so-and-so having no finances to get to the upcoming assembly/convention and then asked if I would like to contribute something to them I always say an emphatic, "NO!"
here is the young man who was murdered with a knife by a racist antifa member last night in austin texas.
rip harrison brown!.
Anyone who thinks some historical grievance for things that didn't even happen to them makes murder OK is a racist asshole.