Day 3
A little late... several things from memory.
God doesn't make a multitude of rules! Jesus only made TWO rules. Now why would the governing body think they should do something that neither God or Jesus did?
607 BCE and 1914 are ESTABLISHED FACT! They CANNOT be changed! This was said with some of the most forceful emphasis of the whole dog and pony show. Seems to me I remember reading those same type of words said by CTR over 100 years ago, and he was wrong...too.
There were 22 baptized. Attendance of an average of 3,400. All obviously born-ins, and the youngest a disgusting, tiny, 10 years old!
Last part it was hammered on how the "new improved" understanding of what a generation is proves that Armageddon is just around the corner...soon...very soon.
I also enjoyed another chance to use someones handy dandy tablet to have them personally compare what the WT used to say about those of the generation by no means passing away BEFORE all the things Jesus foretold happened with what the last speaker said. The last of the claimed 144,000 would be called to heaven BEFORE the foretold events all came to completion, claiming that is another proof of how close Armageddon is.
A personal observation was that this regional convention was one of the most dreary, depressing, negative ones I have ever been to. So much was said, over and over and over again about terminal illness, debilitating depression, money woes, physical infirmities, everything that could make a person hate life was what they put out there as the true JDubs lot in life, but don't worry folks..."soon" all that will go away...if you DON'T GIVE UP! (BTW, please drop in your money or swipe your card at the ATM on the way out tonight)
Thank gawd it is done for another year! I only hope my 86 year old dad doesn't want to put up with the crowds again.