I thought Jehovah was a happy God?
You are confusing him with Jehoho. Most JDubs follow Jehohum the apathetic god, or Jehobo the homeless god it seems to me.
i finally stopped attending the meetings about 4 months go.
i won't be going back - ever.. but i've decided the best reply to the watchtower is to be happy and i do try to be happy every day even thought i wasted my entire life on this religion.
i cherish every day, practice mindfulness and do my best to be content with the life i have.. it is only now that i see that most jws i know are deeply unhappy people.
I thought Jehovah was a happy God?
You are confusing him with Jehoho. Most JDubs follow Jehohum the apathetic god, or Jehobo the homeless god it seems to me.
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
I expressed that I was really troubled with suicidal thoughts and had written goodbye letters to my kids.
What? You mean you didn't repeat the magic mantra of "I am an integrity keeper." and then bake some cookies?
( Reference to a mind-numbing video)
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
I just last Sunday visited with one of my peer group who commented that they feel NOTHING is ever good enough in the congregation. They also mentioned that when they walked out of the kh they felt that they were as invisible as a ghost. Not one person spoke to them one the way out, No one stops to visit her or her sister. She said they both feel they are non-persons. Then she stopped for a minute and said, "I guess I must be doing something wrong, It has to be my fault that I feel this way."
FOG Fear of dying at the Big A Obligation Always do more than any human can Guilt It's YOUR fault if you feel left out or that you cannot DO MORE!
Then we may wonder why JDubs commit suicide.
the supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
Sorry, I started another thread before I realized this one was here.
the october 2017 wt study article (simplified).
let us consider some examples of fake love.
when satan talked to eve in the garden of eden, what he said made it seem that he wanted the best for her.
If he's going to let me suffer because other grown ass people are doing stupid things, that makes no sense.
But remember that paragon King David of the bible?
How many died because HE sinned? Today, just as then, the higher up the ladder you go the less personal accountability you have; the lower you are on the JDub ladder the more you must pay for your "sins" and those of others.
What a dysfunctional, sick society!
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
"We want to PRAISE those who drop out of college.
What happened to Don't Give Up?
loyalty—part of the new personality (s-341a-18-e 5/17).
note to the circuit overseer:.
use this outline for the tuesday service talk from september 2017 through february 2018. you will need to prepare your own 30-minute service talk for use after the watchtower study.
Another WTF moment. Nowhere in the context did I see "loyalty" mentioned in the Bible's description of the "new" personality.
in the latest 2013 revision the footnote of john chapter 8 states; a number of ancient and authoritative manuscripts omit vs 53 (of chapter 7) to chapter 8, vs. 11.. yet the 1984 revision quotes a similar footnote, however the passage of scripture is included in the text, albeit separately at the bottom.
this passage of scripture is about the scribes and the pharisees who brought a woman that was accused of adultery before jesus to test him on the punishment to be meted out.
then came his famous reply; let the one of you that is sinless be the first to throw a stone at her.. i just found it interesting that the wtbts would leave this out in the latest revision.
I’m wondering what else has been altered / left out from the previous revision(s).
I noted that in Matthew 24: 35 where Jesus stated, "Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen." the cross-reference to Exodus 20: 5 in the 1984 edition which states, "...bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation..." was deleted. Can't have the Bible contradicting the governing body's nu-lite explanation of what a generation really is, now can they?
back in march i fell and injured my back at work.
my back has been a problem for many years but certain exercise has able me to function normally through the years.
now i walk bent over with a cane and cannot walk very far, stand, or sit in a straight back chair.
IF surgery is the answer of last resort the right surgeon is the key. Ask questions. It doesn't hurt to ask for references. And having been there, done that...use a neurosurgeon, not an orthopedic surgeon. The skill set needed for working on the spine necessitates someone with a higher skill set than an orthopedic surgeon.
Just my two cents having gone thorough this type of surgery with great success.
sometimes, comparing raw numbers provides a more clear-cut numerical picture of growth or otherwise than percentages.
below are the numbers for peak publishers (rounded off so that 4,1 represents more than 4,100,000) for each year throughout the 1990s and those for the last ten years.. year: peak* baptisms.
* peak publishers abbreviated - simply to show annual baptisms in relation to peak publishers.. the main point: .
Unless something fundamentally radical happens.....
For just a moment I am going to put on the ol' JDub hat and say that something fundamentally radical is going to happen...soon...the Big A! The proof is that the preaching work and the in gathering of those in line for a life of petting pandas is obviously drawing to a close.
Okay, now that I have parroted the JDub line that I think I will go be sick...