many JWs are simply incapable of making choices or decisions on their own , even on a quite simple level.
Back when I was still in the beginning stages of the fade, while out in serve us one Saturday morning I stopped at every stop sign and bowed my head for a moment before proceeding through the intersection. When the car load of other fellows riding along finally got exasperated enough with my foolish driving they asked what I was doing. I laughed and told them I was just following "mothers" advice.
*** w11 11/15 p. 8 pars. 12-13 “Do Not Lean Upon Your Own Understanding” *** What should we do when confronted with situations that may seem easier to resolve—perhaps because past experience allows us to think of a solution quickly? David went to Jehovah in prayer. When faced with a familiar situation or problem, we must exercise caution that we do not rely solely on past experience.
I said I was not relying on past driving experience but "Praying" for help to decide how to proceed through the intersection as the WT said we must. I don't think they get the point of how stupid some of them allow themselves to become when it comes to decision making.