I never once saw anybody vote against a resolution.
This was my "go to" way of letting them know I was not going to dance to their tune any longer. EVERY resolution that came up was one that I voted "NO" on. The account servant forgot the file on the library table one mid-week night and I managed to get my hands on a number of resolutions that had only a notation of In Favor: ALL at the bottom and I photocopied them. When I was finally called aside and questioned about my continuing "NO" votes I pulled them out and asked, "Why was my vote not recorded properly? Not everyone was in favor. I WASN'T! And furthermore written direction from New York is that ONLY baptized publishers votes count. So why is there no record of the number of BAPTIZED persons in attendance who voted? This resolution is not worth the paper it is printed on, and THAT is why I do and will always vote "NO" on EVERY resolution from now on!"