We all have freedom of choice.
I was starting to feel just a bit out of sorts. I really needed a good laugh to break the funk! Thank you!
i work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
We all have freedom of choice.
I was starting to feel just a bit out of sorts. I really needed a good laugh to break the funk! Thank you!
so the new biden/harris gun policies are starting to appear.
it’s not clear yet, what they will be.. some suggestions; confiscate all guns.------buyback programs in each state.. there is much talk on social media that if this happens, the pandemic, + all the riots, + all the damaged property, + all the annual murders in america, - put together-will be like a sunday afternoon picnic, compared to all the deaths and property damage that will result because of “civil uprising” by millions of 2nd amendments advocates and just plain gun lovers.
americans love guns!.
The only reason I legally carry a firearm is because a cop, at least these days, is just too damned heavy!
i predict that in a year kingdumb halls will be replaced by zoom.
they will still have assembly halls but will charge a heavy entry fee.
baptisms will continue to be so low that would not be worth counting.
Wondering what effect- if any- coming out of covid will have on jw's?
Judging by the recording I heard of a circuit oversneer's Sunday final talk, none at all. Except that maybe the fear, panic, and control will be ratcheted up even more intense than it already is.
He referred to the Jews in 66-70 C.E. He said that when the Roman armies left that would be like COVID appearing to be under control and no longer a danger. But only faithful JW's would be obedient enough to instruction from the governing body (wear masks, isolate and shelter in place, don't go out unless it is an emergency, get others to bring groceries and needed items to you) to survive when it came back, just like the Roman armies. And only obedient JW's would have Gee-HO'-Vuh's protection because only they would have been obedient and "obeyed whatever instructions were received, even if they did not appear strategic from a human standpoint."
so the new biden/harris gun policies are starting to appear.
it’s not clear yet, what they will be.. some suggestions; confiscate all guns.------buyback programs in each state.. there is much talk on social media that if this happens, the pandemic, + all the riots, + all the damaged property, + all the annual murders in america, - put together-will be like a sunday afternoon picnic, compared to all the deaths and property damage that will result because of “civil uprising” by millions of 2nd amendments advocates and just plain gun lovers.
americans love guns!.
Buyback programs in each State.
The government CANNOT buy back what they never owned! That is just a B.S. term for confiscation! There will be a lot of "stolen" firearms that somehow "disappear" if they attempt that.
I could somehow "lose" all of mine, but I will have access to plenty of "hammers" and "nails", just in case a "barn raising" breaks out.
To pursue such a course in the USA today would just decimate the entire country’s infrastructure, food production, tax revenue collection, military, thus leaving the country vulnerable to other countries like North Korea for invasion.
I would not be a bit surprised if that is not exactly what those anti-American, anti-border, government must take care of the subjects, left leaning sheeple want.
here is a screenshot from a video on jw.org.
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
"The illustrations shown in the in the Media Gallery are based on extensive research. However, they are artists’ renditions and, at times, depict only one of several possibilities."
Yep, nothing says "you can trust us" like admitting to not really KNOWING what your subject is.
BTW, the other depiction for Acts 20 on the website; is that Tight Pants Tony?
is not the notion of one person dying for the sins of another rejected in this famous passage?.
20 the one who sins is the one who will die.
the child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child.
WT prefers this scripture though it seems, "because I am God. . . bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation."
4/1/1967 wt.
for years, modern civilization has used the commercially available product known as toilet paper to cleanse one's rear posterior.
it is a common practice that has permeated almost all** of the inhabited earth.
I remember my uncle decades ago showing kids how to get by using only one square of toilet paper. Fold it in half, fold it in half again so that you have square that is one-fourth the size of the original square. Then carefully tear off the corner so that when you open the square up there is a hole in the middle of it. Be careful to keep the piece you just tore off. Now you can slip the square over the finger of choice and take a good slow swipe across your arse-hole. Now fold the square over your finger and use the tissue to wipe off your finger. Now, hopefully you kept the little piece you tore off. Use that to clean out under your fingernail.
Perhaps someone could forward these instructions to WT headquarters for use in the field? Think of the money they could save on T.P.
when confronted with angus stewart’s blunt question “do you see yourselves as jehovah god’s spokespeople on earth?” the answer that came from jackson’s lips was astounding.. “that i think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.
the scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with god’s spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if i could just clarify a little, going back to matthew 24, clearly, jesus said that in the last days ‐ and jehovah’s witnesses believe these are the last days ‐ there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food.
so inthat respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfill that role.”.
Jackson was lying for the org, plain and simple.
Not technically. So many skip over that small word "SEEM". He said, "That I think would seem to be quite presumptuous. . ." SEEM : to give the impression of being. He never said, "It would BE presumptuous to say. . .
He was simply deflecting and saying OTHERS would find it presumptuous to make the claim, while never actually admitting that the WT has made that claim, or that he did not believe he was part of that "special" eight man direct line to God.With all due deference to SV, I had not read all replies before making my own. At the mouth of two or more witnesses??
2020-december 1--4 pages.
for special full-time servants in the field in the united states branch territory.
You may continue to leave your home to enjoy isolated areas, as long as this does not involve spending the night away from your home.
Well, so much for going camping I guess. It is nice to see the WT "give" people permission to leave their place of residence.
There is no objection to removing your face covering when in an isolated outdoor setting, but it should be with you and worn when others are in the vicinity.
Yeah, nothing says "safety" like carrying a virus infested mask in your filthy hands, or your pocket and putting it on, and taking it off. This has already been proven to be even worse than no mask at all!
Those who are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, are sick, or who may have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days should not participate.
I the U.S. this has already been changed to ten days by the CDC. WT, as always is behind the curve.
Shelter in place: Remain in your home or on your property to the extent possible. As needed, please seek assistance with
necessary tasks so as to remain at home.
In true WT manner, Look out for yourself and your "safety" and to Hell with anyone else. Let them suffer in order for you to be comfortable.
However, this remains a personal decision as you consider the risk in your community.
And yet they say the exact opposite.
Unless specifically directed otherwise. . .is not permitted. The following precautions continue to be required.
It is preferred that you and your mate (if married) continue to care for your personal needs yourself.
Well so much for what the Bible says. "yet a certain one of YOU says to them: “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?"
These appointed men love you and take seriously their responsibility to be a “hiding place from the wind” for you.
as imperfect and flawed capitalism is, it has worked better than other forms of economic and political systems-so far.
it’s very simple in “theory.” capitalism is an economic and-or, political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
in other words, keep government out of it as much as possible.
They are notorious for taking people on in December and getting rid of them in January.
I don't know of very many retail businesses that do not do the same thing to cover the holiday crush. You cannot expect a business to take on employees for a two month seasonal rush of traffic and then keep them on the payroll for the other ten months without the corresponding increase in business cash flow.