What happens here is that as devoted members you are forced to replicate the sins of those men by upholding the doctrines of which they make, even though they dont fall inline from the bible itself.
*** w17 February p. 26 par. 12 Who Is Leading God’s People Today? ***
The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.
So when they "err" in doctrine, and one is forced under penalty of shunning to swear to the truth of the "err" (lie), just as Rocketman123 stated, they become sharers in the sins of the governing body.
I remember several times when someone would really get "the spirit" and start praising the governing body I would ask them if it would make a person apostate to deny what the governing body stated as Biblical truth? Of course their answers were always affirmative. Then I would ask them which group of JW's were apostates for denying what was truth about Romans 13: 1? Was it the late 19th early 20th century JW's who claimed the 'superior authorities' were governments, or the mid 20th century JW's who swore it was Jehovah and Jesus, or the later 20th century JW's who said it was the government authorities? And then I ask if by their own words, in writing, the government body say they err, why should anyone place unwavering belief in what they say?
There is no way for any truth to be a lie, and no way for a lie to be truth.