Women live longer than men
You pretty well beat me to the punch. I was going to say that the reason is because we men have to live around women.
quite bizarrely, there are people trying their level best to blur the lines between man and woman, male and female.. so, i thought it a fairly good idea to list the differences, on average, between men and women.. ok, starting with the most obvious .... women have a vulva, a vagina, and internal gonads (ovaries); men have a penis and external gonads (testes).. women get pregnant, give birth and breastfeed their babies; men do none of those things.. men are taller than women.. men have greater upper-body strength than women.
men have greater bone density and percentage of muscle mass than women.. women live longer than men (this is partly due to life choices and behaviour and partly due to genetics).. men have higher testosterone levels than women.. men heal more quickly from physical injury than women.. the sexual dynamics between men and women tend to be different, too.
re sexual selection, women typically have their choice of the most suitable men.
Women live longer than men
You pretty well beat me to the punch. I was going to say that the reason is because we men have to live around women.
Yes. Adulterer (2×) drunk. Wife beater. Child beater. Thief. Pompous ass. Lazy. Judgemental. There are more.
Sounds like we know the same guy. Left the upper mid-west (U.S) and moved to Texas. Still a drunken, cheating bum; but hey, he's an elder, so I guess holy spirit doesn't mind that kind of person after all.
Meanwhile just because I think, and I asked questions that were hard to answer honestly if one has any discernment at all, I am "bad" association and to be avoided.
just to put it out there, the whole gender pronouns idea being pushed by the lgbtq+ minorities is just a way to try to hide the sin of homosexuality.
if you can void people talking about your true sexual identity then it seems there is no sin anymore if two they or them of the same sex are together.
example of the coverup: ("i don't identify as either gender"), so the kids i'm raising in a lesbian relationship need not speak of me as a mom or any other female term and we all don't have to feel any stigma attached to the true terms so, any shame we might feel is hidden anyway.
How many genders are there now ?
Oh I don't know, I think perhaps 9,568,649,641,982
just to put it out there, the whole gender pronouns idea being pushed by the lgbtq+ minorities is just a way to try to hide the sin of homosexuality.
if you can void people talking about your true sexual identity then it seems there is no sin anymore if two they or them of the same sex are together.
example of the coverup: ("i don't identify as either gender"), so the kids i'm raising in a lesbian relationship need not speak of me as a mom or any other female term and we all don't have to feel any stigma attached to the true terms so, any shame we might feel is hidden anyway.
a militant they/them and acts like she is going to commit suicide if someone doesn't address her by her pronouns.
Mine is not the politically correct viewpoint, these are the kinds of people I would like to see helped on their way. Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you, otherwise you deserve what you get.
well, it has happened.. workers in these industries will be forced to vax or lose their employment.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-01/victoria-which-authorised-workers-mandatory-vaccination-onsite/100506980.
i'm glad to be out of the workforce.. never thought it would come to this in a supposed democratic society.. no wonder protests and law suits are increasing in intensity.
like for fucks sake,,, a worker at a takeaway bottle / liquor shop.
The only thing missing is goose-stepping, raised right arms, and swastikas on arm bands. In the thirties and forties it was German Jews, today it is COVID. Neither were the threat to society that the government(s) claimed they were/are.
There is a reason the left is actively disarming the intelligent citizen, and meanwhile more and more useful idiots are doing nothing other than navel gazing and waiting for the next government handout, not realizing they will be next on the list of people who just "disappear".
one of my jw uncles got a call last night and was asked how many in his extended family have not taken the vaccine and he needed names.. a letter was sent to elders but it is dated the 27 which was yesterday, so i'm not sure it has anything to do with the letter.
but my uncle said the elder was coming down hard on him for not knowing who hasn't taken the vaccine.
he implied that not taking the vaccine "could" warrant judicial action.
I was confronted about my informed decision to decline the COVID shot, at this time. I got the "Do you think the GB would all have taken it, if it were not safe? Getting the shot shows respect for life. Getting the shot shows "love" for your fellowman," lines of B.S.
My answer was that in accord with the Bible I was exercising my "free will" to make an informed personal decision about what medical treatments I would accept or decline. *** w13 1/15 p. 28 par. 3 Christian Elders—‘Fellow Workers for Our Joy’ *** After all, present-day elders are not the masters over their brothers’ faith. If declining a medical treatment that may save your life does not show respect for life, why not force JW members to take all forms of cancer treatment, even when the cancer is terminal? How does forcing me to submit to any certain medial treatment show love to me on the part of the ones forcing me under threat of "judicial" censorship to submit? I made my decision and now according to scripture I will carry my own load of responsibility. Galatians 6: 5
Crickets. . . .
i've not heard anything from pimi wife about going back to the khs yet let alone the door to door work.. many churches round here have re-opened if only for private pray and i am guessing that things like singing may be a factor in the reluctance of the witnesses to get back together again.
i also detect that many older ones are still quite afraid to go anywhere they may come in contact with people, even for shopping.
on the other hand, here in uk you can now go to a football match with 70,000 others shouting and chanting.. the door to door work may a total different issue.
Last I heard through the rumor pipeline is that no meetings or convention/assemblies through the end of 2022. Cannot verify that though.
2021-september-27-announcement-covid vaccinations.
So IF an individual declines the COVID jab out of concern for potential unknown future side-effects will they be branded as engaging in "brazen conduct" for allegedly defying the secular authorities? Will the elders (I imagine they will) use this an a club over the heads of persons making an informed PERSONAL choice to decline the jab to try to force them to submit? Will the elders and the WT popes accept legal liability for the future health of anyone who against that person's informed choice submits to a forced COVID jab against their better judgement and then suffers detrimental health results? We all know the answers.
While I am not DF'd they can kiss my ass, and DF me if that is the result of my personal choice to decline the jab, at this time.
i was appointed as a regular pioneer in a certain congregation.
in that congregation, a very obese male pioneer seduced a nice looking married pioneer sister who had two teenage sons.
her husband was a ms. both were df'd.
Elders who favored family when it came down to appointments for Ministerial Servants and new Elders.
This /\ /\ /\ and rapid appointments of anyone who had been brought into da troof by and elder. My father who was en elder (in the truest sense of the word) for many years said, "Anyone who says that nepotism or money does not enter into an appointments is either ignorantly naive, or they are a liar." He did not mean on the part of every elder, but as a body.
In my area there was a contractor who was audited and fined several thousand dollars in each of no less than three cases of tax evasion, engaged in unemployment fraud, screwed around on each of two JW wives, and said all one had to do was confess after the fact, claim a weak moment, and write a big check to the congregation. It must have worked, for him at least, as he is now an elder in one of the central most southern states in the U.S.. And still regularly getting drunk.
they showed the same video, added that they are months ahead.. and.
bring and train your teenagers, we will need them.
so much for the last (to the 10th power) days.
They bragged about the video facilities as being the biggest yet in JW land. Not only that they naturally remembered to do a little begging, If you cannot volunteer to work as free slave labor you CAN donate your $$$$$. D--ned greedy b-----ds!