Is Jehovah actually Al Gore?
Not too sure about that, but I would believe Algore might say he thought HE was god.
new light!
or is it new darkness?.
like online video conferencing and apps, apparently the faithful & discreet governing body class now bless the masses with divine dark mode.
Is Jehovah actually Al Gore?
Not too sure about that, but I would believe Algore might say he thought HE was god.
this is not about stats, but "actual experiences" happening world wide in the organization.
there is about 156 comments of what some jws are seeing in their congregation.
feel free to read and come to your own conclusion on whether the watchtower organization is turning pimo but no one says anything in order to keep family relations.
CO & the wife of the CO
Don't you mean the C.O. and the C.O.W.?
I bet the org will allow brothers to just wear a collared shirt and sisters an appropriate top.
Just a few days ago I happened to stop by the home of a M.S. as I had some work related items to drop off. He asked if I would wait until 9:45 A.M. as he was scheduled to conduct the Zoom meeting for F.S. When he opened the door, there he stood, in a dress shirt and tie, and dirty sweat pants, and no shoes or socks.
the watchtower—study edition | march 2020. study article 13. love one another intensely.
if we have intense “love for the whole association of brothers,” we will avoid being partial.
7 jesus urged us to keep treating others the way we want to be treated.
Quite a few years ago back when "local needs" parts could be left up to the person assigned, my father (an elder in the kindest sense of the word) had the part and titled it "Community or Camaraderie". He first gave commendation to the congregation about their showing a strong sense of community, then went on to try and encourage the congregation to develop a true sense of camaraderie. Of course it fell on deaf ears, and as I have mentioned in the past my father said, "Jehovah's Witnesses have 'love' on their lips, but NONE in their hearts!"
He did in that part use these definitions to assist in making the point more plain.
Community: a group of people who have the same interests, religion.
graeme hammond writes:.
in his 2002 book that examined the behaviour and practices of jehovah’s witnesses, english sociologist andrew holden devoted an entire chapter to the trauma and friction experienced by those who choose to leave the jehovah’s witness religion.
“those who do eventually break free,” he concluded, “are seldom allowed a dignified exit.”.
- Disfellowshipping as a result of a judicial committee, a shocking kangaroo court process that results in organised shunning, with even verbal greetings prohibited;
what is your story?
we would love to “hear” from you!
Have you been reading my mail?
in today's wt "study, "merci" a lot of gaslighting.
on one hand: you will be judged the way you are judging, but twice "david" is seen as needlessly killing or intending to kill people for minor transgression, .
1) getting ready to kill nabel, all males not paying his extortion fees, and .
But he was appointed by God and God although punishing him also forgave him and backed him up and that is the point.
You forgot to mention that God killed 70,000 innocent persons for David's sin of taking a census. And as you mentioned God killed an innocent baby to punish David. Any other Jew would have had to bear the penalty for their sins personally and been stoned to death. Not David though. And that is the example that today's pedophiles in the JW's can fall back on. Punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty.
am the turd comes the closest to just coming right out and telling jws they have to do it.
he says, 'there's no need to worry, just keep doing what works: wear masks, wash your hands and get vaccinated when possible'.
the busybodies are going to be even more insufferable now than they have been.
Old people dying from disease is a fact of life, young people are getting killed by the government en masse.
Pretty much anyone who has been paying attention for the last couple decades understands that this is what the agenda was all about. The "magicians" have kept the people so focused on what their right hand is doing that nearly all have not seen what their left hand is doing.
Did you have the chance to ask your pimi buddy why Jehovah’s witnesses switched from being anti vaxxers up until the 1950s? and now they are pro vax?
No, I just mentally gritted my teeth and bit my tongue. I didn't want to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
if you think it works, what is your evidence outside of possible coincidence?.
The exact same thing that pissing yourself in a dark suit does. Gives you a nice warm feeling, but nobody notices.
am the turd comes the closest to just coming right out and telling jws they have to do it.
he says, 'there's no need to worry, just keep doing what works: wear masks, wash your hands and get vaccinated when possible'.
the busybodies are going to be even more insufferable now than they have been.
I happened to stop in a business locally that is owned by a 100% PIMI fellow. He went on and on about how, "Gee-HO'-Vuh helped men to make the "vaccine", and that Gee-HO'-Vuh would NEVER have allowed a shot that would harm his people to be created. So of course when 99% of the Warwick compound is "vaccinated" with NO harmful results (that anyone would ever be allowed to know about) that proves that the shot is GOOD!" Then he spouted off about the "instructions that do not seem logical that must be followed." He said he believes that it will not be long before the Borganization tells members, "Either get the shot and live, or don't get it and die."
Better it is to die FREE then it is to live as a slave.
frequently asked questions.
if i accept a bible study, will i be pressured to become one of jehovah’s witnesses?.
jehovah’s witnesses love teaching people about the bible, but we never pressure anyone to join our religion.
Yet, not everyone who agrees to study the Bible wants to live by Jehovah’s standards.
That statement bothered me. In subtle language they once again elevate themselves to God's place. A person if they so chose could live exactly by Bible standards and yet decline to become a JW. And as of yet I have seen nowhere that being a JW is the primary requirement for living by God's standards.