Now I watch as those who reluctantly got the jab get sicker and keep getting covid..
From Penn Medicine: Messenger-RNA (mRNA) vaccines against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 provoke a swift and strong response by the immune system's T cells
From Yale News: When T cells are overworked, people can be more susceptible to diseases of an overactive immune response, such as lymphomas, leukemia, and autoimmune disorders.
I personally know five previously very healthy JW's who obediently followed the governing body's order to get fully "vaccinated" and boosted who have come down with very aggressive cancers, and two others who have had controlled auto-immune disease flare up and become now nearly completely uncontollable in only a few months after receiving their jabs.
I wonder who will incur blood-guilt for the JW's who are now living with a cancer death sentence as a result of the jab die?