Were I to find myself in the medical circumstance where any member of either the HLC or PVG showed up I would tell them in no uncertain terms to "bugger off"! Of course I wouldn't tell any JW that I was going into a hospital in the first place.
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
by Atlantis in2022-08-10-covid--hlc--pvg.
click image to enlarge.. .
No pension no preparation for retirement
by Mikejw ina lot of my ex fellow servants must be now in their seventies, what can you do?.
no children no money no home.
it is so sad.. so many decided not to have children as the end was right around the corner and that was decades ago.
When the time comes later - they find out much to their disappointment they won’t get much from SS (like $800).
In my area there is an elder who complains that the combined Social security for him and his wife is only about $1,200.00 (U.S.) per month. That doesn't even cover the amount of taxes they pay on their home much less monthly expenses so they must continually withdraw the extra from their small inheritance saving from his parents. Of course that is another complaint, because there is nothing going into the account to replace what is taken out every month.
It’s too bad somebody wise (non-JW) didn’t inform them of these life facts when they were younger!
The same elder referred to above WAS told. He and his wife both brag that they made the choice to put Gee-HO'-Vuh first, never had any meaningful employment to build up Social Security benefits for the future, never had children who might have been able to look out for them when they got older, and they yap about how Gee-HO'-Vuh takes care of them every time some one hands them an envelope full of cash after hearing their whining about how tight finances are.
Online Lesson: Why does suffering and evil exist?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inbible teachings.
online lessons.
basic bible teachings.
the teacher allowed time for the rebellious student to try to show that his methods were better than those of the teacher.
I thought this was a horse---t illustration. In real life the teacher would have the student removed from the classroom so the students who wanted to learn could. If the student continued disrupting the class after they were allowed to return they would be expelled from school. Of course it has been decades since I was in school so things probably have changed for the
worsewoke.Parents do not let their little children put their hands on top of a burning stove flame just to prove a point.
Agreed. They also would not punish their grandchildren by putting their hands on the burning flame, then their great-grandchildren, and make sure that every successive generation had their hands burned just to prove that fire is hot!.
Booster shots required for Bethelites and special full time servants?
by PimoElder init’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
But i CANNOT see any justification in some on here advising others NOT to get vaccinated.---JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I could say the same about "some on here advising others [TO] get vaccinated"- - - JUST SHUT THE F--K UP.
See how that works?
Booster shots required for Bethelites and special full time servants?
by PimoElder init’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
Now I watch as those who reluctantly got the jab get sicker and keep getting covid..
From Penn Medicine: Messenger-RNA (mRNA) vaccines against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 provoke a swift and strong response by the immune system's T cells
From Yale News: When T cells are overworked, people can be more susceptible to diseases of an overactive immune response, such as lymphomas, leukemia, and autoimmune disorders.
I personally know five previously very healthy JW's who obediently followed the governing body's order to get fully "vaccinated" and boosted who have come down with very aggressive cancers, and two others who have had controlled auto-immune disease flare up and become now nearly completely uncontollable in only a few months after receiving their jabs.
I wonder who will incur blood-guilt for the JW's who are now living with a cancer death sentence as a result of the jab die?
2022 Convention Sat. Afternoon part 1
by Rattigan350 ini found it ironic that the symposium "put away peace wrecker inappropriate boasting".
was presented by a helper to the publishing committee.
and all of the other talks were given by, if not gb members, but by helpers to the various committees.
Hayley was using social media to sell home made jewellery and maybe makeup products.
And of course any JW woman should be a frumpy old hag that buys their "modest" dresses from the tent and awning store. Heaven forbid they were moderately attractive, in good shape, wore decent makeup and jewelry. The woman selling handmade items was also following the JW edict to pious sneer full-time which would suggest she did not have a full-time job with good wages. And on top of that she was taking care of a disabled elderly relative. The character Hayley was totally justified IMO for her understandable reaction to that big nosed busybody. I sure didn't see those self-righteous a-holes that were gossiping about her offering any help! I've known too many of that type JW over the years, and as far as I am concerned with them they can GFT!
Resuming door to door September 1st
by Mikejw ingb worried about not enough coming to in person meetings.
what are they going to be like when they realise not only jdubs don’t want to go to in person meetings but they really don’t want to go back on the min.
zoom has so much more appeal for rather than meetings or door to door.
I can see some of the self-righteous elders pulling this stunt.
I heard that the letter was read Sunday and last night again. I also had an elder who still is trying to get me back on the hamster wheel call me this morning to tell me the news, and inform me that Gee-HO'-Vuh is the one who had the governing body tell JW's this news, and that loyalty to God meant that faithful JW's must listen to the g.b.
House-to-House Resumes Sep 1 2022
by Smiles inbreaking news | house-to-house preaching will resume on september 1, 2022. the governing body is pleased to announce that the house-to-house preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses will resume on september 1, 2022. we pray for jehovah’s rich blessing to be with all of you as we resume our house-to-house ministry!.
Can you go with a beard?
The day the music died.
by Fisherman inis there any new music or singers whatsoever nowadays or just junk?
and how about movies, besides documentaries is there anything at all, any movie at all, any new actor at all that that has any real worth to watch and enjoy or is it all a boring waste of time.
just junk
by Atlantis in2022-07-29-announcements--english.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
”personal choices regarding vaccination and whether to attend in person should be respected”
Translation: WE have made a personal choice that YOU should attend in person, and YOU should RESPECT OUR CHOICE and COMPLY!
My feeling is FUGGEM!