Another iteration of the same idoubtbigtime, exbethalitePIMA, etc.??
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
Giving hope for all truth-loving people
by Person init it not easy for me but i would like to share with you my story and my take on what happend and is happening in jw.
for some my view can be unacceptable for others can be useful.
in fact it can be answer to the question: why am i still even bother what's is going on in this obviously corrupt organization?
Mass Shooting at Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany
by EdenOne inmass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
@Freemail - re: your post 21 hours ago.
How very grown up and intelligent your comment makes you seem.
By the way. . .that was sarcasm. So now even a fucking idiot like you can understand!
Sometimes I get irritated and let it show. My apologies to the rest of you members here.
Made up field service experience at yesterday's Public Talk
by RULES & REGULATIONS inremember the made up stories of witnesses in djibouti,africa where they had to walk 2 days in alligator infested waters with no shoes in the blazing sun to attend the meetings?
they made it to the meetings in these terrible conditions.. talk about made up stories!
here is a field service experience that was told at yesterday's public talk which would fall into the made up stories!.
A few years back there was an experience on one of the broadcasts.
It was the wife of a C.O. telling how she was the ONLY member of her immediate family who persevered in Bible study and JWism while the rest of her family pursued "worldly" goals. She said she had the help of her granny. And it was through HER that they all eventually (returned to Jehovah) took up the JW burden.
I grew up with her family. Her parents and mine were close friends. I knew her grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and siblings.
Her story on the broadcast was at the best very close to outright lies. That is one of the now "missing" broadcasts from what I have been told.
Physically in mentally agnostic ie sitting on the fence
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inhi everyone i’m not pimi or pimo i’m pima.. i don’t think the gb have everything right but i’m sitting on the fence that maybe they do some things.. if the great trib starts i will jump that side of the fence.. this is a definite little sneaky advantage dodging but even by their own doctrine last min some could come in.. i suspect many are like me.. i spent years in bethel and am very disappointed and disillusioned by it all.. but at the end of the day i love the bible and think it is the word of god and i don’t see any other religion that comes as close to what jesus describes his true followers or who are fulfilling mat 24:14..
ExBethelitenowPIMA, is that you indoubtbigtime?
WARNING! If you DELIBERATELY avoid the JW memorial.....
by BoogerMan will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
would not a more severe punishment be meted out to one who spurns the Lord’s Evening Meal...?”
SPURN: reject with disdain or contempt.Sounds a lot like going to memorial and sitting there and then REJECTING the crackers and wine that Jesus instructed to eat and drink! Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body which is to be given in YOUR behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me."Now who is it that tells the R&F JW that they are to spurn the bread and wine? -
Stress of Going to a Summer Convention
by LostintheFog1999 inspotted this picture on a friend's page, he was highlighting the mental health issue.
however,we thought the magazine on stress was deliberately placed in the summer months because for any jw going to a convention, paying high season hotel rates for themselves or their whole family to stay near the convention centre, fighting coworkers and managers to get the time off work, travelling expenses, buying their own meals for the family, buying new shiny suits and dresses to impress (particularly if you have teenage girls who are looking for their prince), and more.... by the time they come home again and straight away back to work, their nerves will be so frazzled that their stress levels will have sky rocketed!.
as brother elder says to them, "don't worry.
ONE new watchtower, and ONE new awake?
Sounds like "The Slave" is cutting down on the food at the proper time. Nothing like trying to starve people you are supposed to be feeding!
JWs and Prepping
by TD inthe jws i know (which admittedly are more liberal than most) are suddenly into prepping to one degree or another.
some have simply assembled "go bags" with basic common sense supplies in case they need to bug out in the event of a natural disaster and others seem to be seriously into it, almost to the degree to which mormons are.
backup generators and a year's supply of food and water).
What about the shotgun to ward off hungry animals only
Whether or not I were still running the JW hamster wheel I would still have a "bug out" bag ready. That is just good sense these days. It has two weeks of non-perishable food, water treatment tablets (much lighter than water to carry), a good first aid kit, basic survival supplies and best of all three extra boxes of .45 ACP hollow points and three fully loaded magazines for my trusty 1911 .45 "hammer". For hungry "animals" y'know.
This is a Q for my aged Friends ....?...60 plus ?
by smiddy3 inover-all how would you view your life on this planet so far ?
fair , good , satisfactory ,not so good ,terrible.,?.
let me explain if i can ,i didn`t become a jw until my very late teens 19 and more likely close to 20. .
But, that shouldn’t ever stop a talented younger person from a less affluent situation from trying.
So very true. I personally have a saying, "There is no shame in trying, and failing. The shame is not trying at all." In my years on this earth I have had the opportunity and fun of doing many things that most people would be afraid to try. Was I a blazing success at all of them? Probably not, but I sure had a helluva fun ride!
As an avid musician I had the opportunity to rub elbows with a number of well known entertainers during the 70'-80's and 90's. As a lifelong horse owner I had the chance to raise and break cutting bred horses that are even now well known blood-lines in the show world. I had a very well paying secular career on top of that and was able to pay as I went and save a sizable amount that I can comfortably live off of now that I am "older" having lived through the better parts of seven decades and wanting to slow down to a fast trot instead of living at a run.
I even ran the hamster wheel of Jw-ism for most of my life until I finally got FedUp with the hypocrisy and biased lies.
I feel like I have lived more than one life time in my relatively few years on this planet, yet I have ZERO regrets, and when it comes time to take the eternal dirt nap I will go with a grin on my face knowing that I wasn't just alive, I LIVED!
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Thanks to all who provided the written announcement record about Ray Franz. Shows how memories fail after many decades. I knew I had read it, but could not remember exactly where. Thanks again!
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Make of this what you will, a post over on the jw forum .....
Everything in that thread has been moved to a "members only" location.