Where I used to attend had a congregation in the high 90's low 100's every single meeting. Members paid for and built a new KH with their own time, labor, and money, had to turn it over to the WT$ in the money grab for property years ago, and it now sits empty even after the plandemic due to no money to fix what is going wrong. Mold so bad that it has been pretty well shuttered, but can't be either fixed or sold by the local congregation without permission or orders from the branch. Members are now driving thirty minutes each way to the next town over. Less than 25 ever at the hall. Four towns congregations in the area are sharing the two usable halls that are left, the third sits empty, and the fourth has sold. Less attendance total for the four congregations now than any single one had twenty years ago.
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
My old congregation is being shuttered
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini just found out from my jehovah's witness cousin that my old congregation is being shuttered due to lack of elders, less than 20 members attending, and that the congregation cannot meet their monthly expenses.. here is a congregation that was started in 1975 with less than 15 members.
it grew to 185 members in the 1990's.
the congregation grew so large that the elders decided to split the congregation in two.
In the latest JW_ORG cartoon video, young Caleb learns from his father that he does not have to be baptized to be a Jehovah's Witness
by jwleaks inin the latest jw_org cartoon caleb learns from his father that he can be a jehovah's witness without being baptized by becoming an 'unbaptized publisher'.. the video also refers to a potential meeting with the elders to discuss caleb becoming an 'unbaptized publisher'.. https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/children/become-jehovahs-friend/activities/become-an-unbaptized-publisher/.
What about the watchtower mags that have said that unless one is BAPTIZED as a JW they are not in line for salvation?
The Org. covering up the SHUNNING POLICY !!
by Phizzy inhttps://avoidjw.org/news/jehovahs-witnesses-mysteriously-deleted-shunning-videos/?fbclid=iwar3jjfsa3zx-4kxrdtjwopmzty-5wxhrxm1-gvjtp9j20ovqfpxh.
To be fair JW's think they have Biblical backing for their shunning.
(Luke 10:30-32) 30 In reply Jesus said: “A disfellowshipped man was going from home to the grocery store and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted blows, and went off, leaving him half-dead. 31 Now, by coincidence, a certain elder was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side. 32 Likewise, a pioneer also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by on the opposite side."
Oh wait! Jesus ate with sinners, and never said anything like that!
Regional convention 2023
by sove inany streamed content from this years regional convention available with any of you guys?
Agreed with the DONATE comments.
They no longer even try to hide the fact that that is their primary focus mentioning donating at every opportunity possible. It isn't about God, Christ, love or anything positive for people. It is only about $$$$$
Does the WTS have a clergy class (yes-no)
by blondie inwt 2021 october p.20 "in contrast, true worshippers of jehovah have no clergy.
although we respect those who are taking the lead, we accept jesus’ clear teaching: “all of you are brothers.”".
ijbq article 92 point 6: in contrast, true worshippers of jehovah have no clergy.
To me it seems the religion wants the luxury of having it both ways.
This, 100%!
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox
by Anony Mous inthe above verse is often quoted by jws both in general as a response to the idea of a deathless paradise and/or those promoting vegetarianism or veganism.. a letter in animal frontiers co-signed by nearly a thousand scientists is now warning that meat is crucial for a healthy lifestyle and livestock farming is too important to 'become the victim of zealotry'.. they stated the fact that most humans require the nutrients from eggs, meat and dairy and that plant based alternatives are at least 4x more expensive (which implies much higher energy consumption in the process) and not scalable and outright dangerous to global health to support a large population shift towards them.. they also called out several recent papers for misleading information and even called for the outright retraction of one that said meat substitutions are a viable alternative.. not sure what the modern jw view on this is, i know many people in the borg promoted it back in the day.
just goes to show that science does not support the notion of a global vegan diet..
I'm a vegetarian by proxy.
Cows eat grass and corn, I eat beef, therefore I am eating grass and corn by proxy.
Petra--2023 PDF--Editions!
by Atlantis inpdf editions.
uk addendum to shepherd the flock.
english--elder manual.
Thank you!
S Club 7 star died of NATURAL causes.....
by BoogerMan in“a spokesperson from dorset coroner's office told the bbc that due to the nature of his death there would be no inquest.
no further details were given on cause of death by the coroner.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-65633872.
no "further" details were given?
I know a gentleman who just had his 100th birthday. He was on 24/7 oxygen because of his decades long three packs of cigarettes per day habit. When he tried to blow out the candles on his cake he wheezed, and clutched his chest, turned blue and died.
As he never had the jab it just had to be COVID. . .DIDN'T IT!!!
Details of my Disfellowshipping
by Holy Grail 007 ini will tell you the truth because i do not tell lies and am always honest.
in may 2006 i was diagnosed with bipolar.
my wife separated from me against my will.
They actually said to you they were "Never going to reinstate you" In those exact words?
I do have to say I've never heard of someone being told they'll never be reinstatedPersonal experience. I was raised around and doing ranch work, livestock, and rodeo for my entire life up until now. Always looked down on for combining that lifestyle with a good paying career and with JWism. DF'd in the early nineties. Still was POMI. When I met to request reinstatement I was told to my face, "You will NEVER be reinstated as long as you wear western clothing. That shows you are "rebellious" as you dress different that anyone else in this congregation."
So I modified my clothing, got reinstated, ran the hamster wheel long enough to realize that there was ZERO chance of me ever being good enough or giving enough to fit their agenda and then began my long fade. Never happier than I am now.
Advice to reduce hours earn less and spend more time on the ministry
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe advice to reduce work and earn less to spend more time preaching has not aged well.. the cost of living crisis means many have more going out on necessities than they have coming in.. so many asked their employer to reduce their hours and refused promotion only to see their colleagues go up the ladder when they stayed lowly position with rubbish jobs thinking the end will be here soon.
next week midweek meeting is all about preparing for an economic crisis.. they say have a go bag and new advice for all jws to store food and water at home and grow a vegetable garden, i kid you not.
this is the new direction..
@ Blondie
I believe this may be what you remember.
*** w14 3/15 p. 22 par. 10 Honor the Aged Among You ***
10 Full-time servants whose theocratic assignments have taken them far from home may face particularly difficult decisions. Those serving as Bethelites, missionaries, and traveling overseers all view their assignment as precious, as a blessing from Jehovah. Still, if their parents get sick, the first reaction might be, ‘We need to leave our assignment and return home to look after our parents.’ Yet, it would be wise to consider prayerfully whether that is what the parents really need or desire. No one should hastily give up service privileges, and it may not always be necessary. Could the health issue be temporary, one with which some in the parents’ congregation would be happy to help?—Prov. 21:5.