Any non-service car,,2 door car. Terrible looks. A Mustang, or're pure evil in their eyes. Riff raft. A 2 door Ford or Chev're a worthless piece of..
I know the feeling well. My old classic 426 Street Hemi 1960's Charger and my newer Ford diesel pickup. Of course when they needed something hauled they always called on me because, "we don't have away to haul it, and you have a pickup."
I learned fast how to say NO, and if they persisted to ask them what part of NO didn't they understand? The "N" or the "O".
Right before I completely turned my back on them I would always hand them a Bible when they complained about me and tell them to "Show me!" They never could for some reason. We all know why. They base their decisions on personal opinion, never on the Bible.