Don't tell me the witnesses are lapping up this nonsense?
i think this may be a bigger issue for the society than we realise.. when you consider that witnesses have now had well over a year of regularly seeing their 'channel to god' with their own eyes, what do you think they're thinking?.
i'm going to put this as respectfully as i can; these men are clearly a bunch of utter clowns who are laughably inadequate to present a tv show, but also, they are now ridiculously discredited due to the absolute shite that they've spoken in these laughable productions.. consider things from a jw's perspective; tony morris, stephen lett & geoffrey jackson are 'the channel' that makes their religion 'special'.
these men are the channel god is using to lead his people in the modern day.
Don't tell me the witnesses are lapping up this nonsense?
the last talk at the assembly made an interesting statement, "we can show faith by following direction if we're asked to move to another kingdom hall for better use of dedicated christian funds".
this statement has everyone talking.
i spoke to multiple individuals and they heard the same thing at different assembly's.. i know they have been "evaluating" all kingdom halls the last year or two.
I heard the exact same statement at the CA I suffered through. That was in the upper mid-west. Think cowboy country. Although I was surprised by the number of people who said they didn't hear that.
saturday, october 15. we are members belonging to one another.—eph.
4:25.. are you a young person?
if so, be assured that you, as a part of jehovah’s worldwide congregation, are really appreciated.
As a youth, do you enjoy being with other young people? Likely you do. However...
And there in typical WT fashion comes the stick they beat you with. Yes, we know you like being with other young people, BUT we are going to tell you how you what WE want! And you better damned well DO IT!
did your congregation have any petty man made rules?
i remember the elders in my cong didn't like if a single brother and single sister walked in the parking lot together after the meeting ended, to their car.
you couldn't hold the mic or give a talk without a coat (that might be a universal jw rule).
is still a piece of shit. And it still stinks.
the brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent wt on the subject of "reaching out" (august 2016 - pages 20 - 29) if you are a jehovah's witness and thinking about becoming a ministerial servant or elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the kh for this week’s wt “study” and the week after.
first - if you hope to become an elder, in the uk you will also become a charitable trustee.
you will not be given any training for this part of your role.
I noted too that "spiritual progress" at least for males was directly linked to their being appointed. For everyone in general it had to do with doing more...More...MORE. Nor did it have anything to do with showing actual Christlike qualities towards OTHER people. Never enough for the nitwits in charge!
the issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
i will not attend the WT on that day.
I will. And I will for a change sit in the middle of the very front row and lock eyes with the a--hole conductor who is the main idiot who runs the show in this area.
the issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
I grew a close trimmed beard and was also told, "We can't stop you, but to make it "easier" on you we will be suspending all your "privileges" until you shave." This was after one of the eldurrs had come over and asked me what was on my face, and then sat and had a couple cold ones.
Two weeks later I was informed that I was on the KH cleaning schedule for the week. On Sunday I was asked why I had not cleaned anything. I said, "If my facial hair somehow makes me unfit for any so-called privileges then I am also not good enough to scrub your toilets!"
The beard will stay. Hair on my face is great as a thorn in their side.
utah jehovah’s witnesses church forced woman to listen to audio of her rape, lawsuit says.
a woman is suing a jehovah's witnesses church in weber county after, she says, one of its instructors repeatedly raped her when she was a minor and the organization's leadership forced her to listen to an audio recording of one of the assaults.. the woman filed the lawsuit wednesday in 2nd district court, accusing the kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses church in roy — as well as naming the alleged perpetrator, several church leaders and the watchtower bible and tract society (the religion's headquarters located in new york) — of knowingly allowing the "unfit" instructor to rise to a position of authority without warning members of his "dangerous propensities" and past sexual transgressions.. read more:
"repeatedly stopping and starting the audio tape ... suggesting that she consented to the sexual behavior."
Nothing like making the victim out to be the guilty party! The guy who did this ought to be taken out, staked by his penis and sack to a tree stump, have the stump soaked with gasoline and lit afire, then throw him a dirty rusted dull pocketknife and let him make the choice. If he cuts himself free then shoot him so he doesn't have to "suffer" anymore!
Yeah, I know that sounds vicious, but it is nothing compared to the harm to the victims of these sexual predators!
well what rule of thumb do you think these financial dim-wits dream up?
i think those not sending in their money to the org are some of the first properties to unload while you spare the higher payers for last.
you don't want to piss off the loyal contributers by making them miss meetings,, that's a no win situation so dump the free loaders as a negative asset and keep the more profitable ones.. and those who's loans the wt forgave, watch what happens if you're not send in those regular payments like before, and slack off by a significant amount.
Well what rule of thumb do you think these financial dim-wits dream up?
KH A gives $$$$$$$$$$. KH B gives $$. KH B will without a doubt be the one to get sold.
well how's it going round your way?
massive increase of interested ones?
did you even know it was supposed to be happening?
No difference at all where I am at either.
Same old seat fillers in the same seats, spouting the same parroted drivel.