any other JW... .hypocrite can go to hell
Agreed...X 100.
not a peep about all victims, not even a prayer for them.
only pray for jws.
and who or what is jehovah's loving arm of support?
any other JW... .hypocrite can go to hell
Agreed...X 100.
there are other threads dealing with jws actions, or non-actions in response to the houston flooding.
i started this thread to find out specifically if kingdom halls, or assembly halls are being used to help victims.
not just other jws, but innocent victims of all walks: men, women, children & pets.
Could, but probably won't, I expect.
Probably? Definitely will not. After all the KH is for meetings to indoctrinate the members, not for any genuine helping of strangers.
Of course I may be wrong. They may open up the KH front door so that some pioneer in super good standing can get a cart and set up, just in case some needy person shows up, then they can throw a Watchtower at them and wish them to "go in peace, keep warm and well fed"!
story breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
Pretty sure there will be war soon, having a hot headed loon in charge of NK and another one as POTUS makes it almost inevitable.
Yeah, too bad the US didn't have another Øbama as POsTUS. He could go bow to Kimmie offer an apology and everything would be unicorns and rainbows.
according to news sources in luanda, angola (read it here, although it's in portuguese language), a regional convention of the jw's taking place this weekend at the outskirts of capital luanda was targeted yesterday, friday, by what may be described as a 'terrorist attack'.. more than 400 attendees (mostly female) passed out in rapid succession in the vicinity of a toilet at the convention place.
reportedly, toxic gas devices were planted there by 3 young members of unita, the main political party that opposed mpla, the dominant regime party in angola since its independence in 1975.
43 people were rushed to the hospital and a few remain there, under medical surveillance.
Reportedly, toxic gas devices were planted there....
Okay, I know this is a serious topic and I probably shouldn't see humor in it, however I have to say that I have passed by some regional convention toilet rooms that would have gagged a maggot. Sometimes the "cleanest" people on earth just ain't so clean.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
We need to replace that horrible American flag!!
And of course Mt Rushmore, the Shrine of Democracy" must be blown to smithereens. In the interest of PC fairness of course.
when you were an active member in the jwland, did you expect to receive any kind of help from a brother/sister, but they did not help you?
when i was in the jwland, i expected and was my belief that any brother/sister will help you in time of need, distress or trouble, because we were part of a "lovely organization".
but countless of times when i needed and asked for help, nobody from the org helped me.
Too many.....freeloaders.
THAT is the bare bones truth! I cannot count all the times I have personally witnessed brother eldurr refuse to lend a helping hand to a poor widow sister so she could get to the convention, only to come tooling into the kingdom hall lot with a brand new large SUV luxury vehicle.
Or brother MS and wife complain about how little finances they have, and cannot get to the assembly; then they get there and have a $600.00 (US) brand new tablet to proudly show off. But ask them to take an hour out of there day to give some assistance with a needed chore and all you see is ass-cheeks flapping and heels through the dust of their rapid departure.
now they are really scraping the barrel.
check out this discussion on exjw reddit ....
"This is god's organization. Where is the love?" much more frequently lately.
Much, much more. The answer is pretty simple, really. (Matthew 24:12)" . . . and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off." Of course the JDubs will ALWAYS claim that refers only to the ones who in their interpretation of the Bible have no love..."worldly" people. How can something you don't have [according to WT] cool off? IT CAN'T!
But that is best left for another day, and another thread.
Maybe WT doesn't know what sexting means.
Or maybe the guy is posing in Spanx. (Wild, insane laughter)
hi all.. no i'm not about to join 😉.
the mrs would never forgive me lol.
but out of curiosity, does anyone know of any individuals who have successfully met someone this way?.
Tried it once, just for kicks.
Nothing but users, psychos, and rejects. IMO
I always said there are only two types of JDub female. Those who are married, and those who are not, for very good reason. That is MY experience..yours may be different.
Let the thumbs down begin!
i never thought i would see that in the us, a "free speech rally" (which has distanced itself from and organizers have nothing at all to do with the right, republicans or extremism) is being counter protested by thousands in boston today, the counter protests being organized by a coalition of black supremacists and sjw's.. on the other hand, google is building a database of speech that doesn't align with the left-wing political values.. i'm not sure what youngsters are thinking these days, but free speech used to be the cornerstone of american civilizations only a few decades ago.
the only way to drown out "bad" free speech is more free speech..
Google, apple, facebook, twitter, Airbnb, WhatsApp... they all seem to be in on it and in unison ready to censor certain ideas while at the same tolerating extremist speech like ISIS or antifa, including death threats!!
The memo referred to in the link below pretty well lays out the agenda of the left/globalists. While there will be those who cry "tin foil hat" and those who do everything in their power to discredit it, it does bear reading and then comparing what is written to what IS happening. The Germans who were members of the Nazi party in the last century employed gradualism to fully implement their agenda of control, very similar to what the left, or as I prefer to term them ADT*, are doing now. IMO.
* ADT - American Domestic Terrorists