PC re-writers of history will do their best to erase, or at the very least "debunk" the events on the deck of the Forestall when we "wet started" his fighter jet, the times his father bailed him out for actions that would have gotten any other Navy man drummed out of the military, and the propaganda videos he made for the North Vietnamese during a time of war, or the disgraceful way he treated his first wife after her horrible accident. Those things were fact then, now not so much thanks to those who need to "clean up" history for their own reasons.
Just as I will NEVER have an iota of respect for Hanoi Jane, I will NEVER believe mccain to be anything other than a greedy, self-centered, narcissistic, petty, vindictive traitor to the country he was granted to live in.
Now let the leftist bashing and thumbs down begin.