July 01, 2012 a Sunday afternoon. I was one angry JW. After forty years of being baptized, a fourth (four overlapping) generation JW who was running the hamster wheel of JW-dom trying to live up to the demands to be an "exemplary" JW, doing all the things that a MS would normally do without EVER getting a bit of recognition or encouragement, watching man after man get appointed in spite of their drunkenness - adultery - theft - embezzlement - lying - tax evasion - insurance fraud and being told "just wait on Jehovah" because those men gave BIG $$$$ to the congregation.
I was scheduled to read the prior Sunday and the WT conductor trotted his son up because he didn't see me during the song. Then on July 01, 2012 the WT study was titled "Do You Really Appreciate God’s Gift of Marriage?" The WT conductor blindsided me three minutes before the meeting and told me he wanted me to decline to read as many years before (nearly twenty) I had committed the one infraction of JW law. I had married "out of da troof" and then two years later divorced by the woman who remarried, and someone "might be stumbled" by hearing me read about marry only in the lord." I refused to step down and he again had his son come up to read. He said it was direction from "holy spirit" after he had prayed about it.
I started that afternoon researching the operation (or lack thereof) of holy spirit and found this site, and after lurking for some while joined up and the rest is history as they say.
Like a man who has scales fall from their eyes I have seen more and more clearly the lack of holy spirit, the nepotism, the greed of the org.