I am a vegetarian by proxy.
Cows eat grass...and I eat cows!
I am a vegetarian by proxy.
Cows eat grass...and I eat cows!
when i was a full-on believing jw i had an obsessive fascination with mormonism.
i read, studied and watched their propaganda with strange interest as well as their apostate mormon books.
i have to say, they have a good scam going claiming that "the lord reintroduced tithing" in the modern age.
Fake letter, just for fun!
when i was a full-on believing jw i had an obsessive fascination with mormonism.
i read, studied and watched their propaganda with strange interest as well as their apostate mormon books.
i have to say, they have a good scam going claiming that "the lord reintroduced tithing" in the modern age.
No. Never was, but I have had to read too many of the letters from the WT not to be able to mimic them. I wish there were some way to compose that letter on the correct letterhead, and then anonymously drop it on the floor at the KH some weekday when it was mostly all JW women going out in serve us and see how long before that rumor got a foot hold.
when i was a full-on believing jw i had an obsessive fascination with mormonism.
i read, studied and watched their propaganda with strange interest as well as their apostate mormon books.
i have to say, they have a good scam going claiming that "the lord reintroduced tithing" in the modern age.
Dear Brothers,
We are pleased to announce that in harmony with Proverbs 4: 18 which states, "...the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light That grows brighter and brighter..." we are making an adjustment to the way our future preaching work will be supported financially.
Jehovah's standards are unchanging, and in line with our adjusted understanding of Malachi 3: 8-10 we are pleased to make the following change. Beginning January 01, 2019 Kingdom Halls will discontinue the use of contribution boxes, and going forward there will be loving arrangements for all in the congregation to, " Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house..." (Mal. 3: 10)
At this time we have made arrangements for all to enroll in automatic online donations via JW.Org and your banking institution. A recommended annual amount per publisher has been already calculated by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses for your convenience, which can be donated on a monthly family basis. Your local elders will be giving enrollment forms to each family head. These forms should be filled out and returned to your group overseer no later than December 01, 2018.
The group overseer will keep a list of those who have not been able to meet that deadline and will kindly assist them in getting it promptly filled out with the correct options for each family's assigned donation percentage.
A total monthly contribution announcement will be made at the first mid-week meeting so those who can give more will have the opportunity to increase their voluntary monthly contribution.
We trust that this new arrangement will be a blessing to all who follow the scriptural principals involved.
Please, be assured of our warm christian love,
Your brothers.
Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
former governing body assistant howie tran has shared his bethel vow of poverty contract.
it reads rather culty.
i think clause number 9 is particularly worrying...to adhere to, not the bible alone, but also the watchtower literature and the governing body.
At any rate, serving at any capacity as a jw is 100 percent voluntary.
as i spend more time here, things id forgotten come back, mostly bad and some i plan to share eventually.. but this one is happy, one of a sunday talk by a new elder from nigeria in our hall.
i remember the intro word for word.
id like to share it with you.. "brothers, sisters, newly interested ones.
My dear mother used to say that, "Brother/Sister so-and-so is so prudish they couldn't say shit, even if their mouth were full of it!" I sure do miss her.
oh rapture!
today's wt caused my wife's first [jw mind control] epiphany and she didn't hesitate to share upon her discovery.
09/16/2018 | "where are your eyes looking?
I hi-lited each of those speculative words. And then I waited, and sure enough a busy-body mic runner asked me after the meeting why just those words. So I explained why, and gave him the Merriam-Webster definition of "plausible", and asked him why speculation was presented as fact. I mentioned that another "plausible" explanation of who Moses was talking about when he said the word "we" may just as well have been referring to God and himself, not Aaron. Then when he said he thought that could have been possible and he hadn't thought of it that way I dropped the hammer and asked him who today considers themselves to be a "we" when it comes to speaking for God? Crickets!!
and yet today's watchtower and indeed the bible condemns the israelites for moaning about having no water!
it's never occurred to me how unjust this is!
and how could a so called loving god not provide a basic human need?!.
1. Free Will...?
If I were married and told my wife each and every time I beat her for doing something "wrong" that I loved her, and she had the "free will" to leave me if she did not like the beatings...but that IF she left me I would kill her how the hell is that "free will"?
i personally have a very distinct sense of style and fashion which many of the fellow jdubs frown upon.
recently, i was told by a few specially self righteous ones that i looked like a prostitute in a pair of white boots!
a pair of 3 inch heeled, just a little taller than the ankle boots, with skirt that came down to my knees and a black long sleeve shirt that came up to my collarbone.
Not me...my mother back in the seventies got called an apostate by the P.O. for wearing a wool pantsuit under a long winter coat one -40 below winter day when she faithfully went to conduct some of her Bible studies.
Right before she died she said, "If Jehovah's Witnesses would have been in the forties what THIS religion is now I NEVER would have gotten baptized as one! They are no different than the rest of them now."
i personally have a very distinct sense of style and fashion which many of the fellow jdubs frown upon.
recently, i was told by a few specially self righteous ones that i looked like a prostitute in a pair of white boots!
a pair of 3 inch heeled, just a little taller than the ankle boots, with skirt that came down to my knees and a black long sleeve shirt that came up to my collarbone.
I got chastised, and "soft shunned" for wearing a pair of black denim dress pants with a snapped western shirt and western tie with boots (I do not own any other style of clothing) while out in rural ranch country when I still used to go in service. And horror of horrors I was driving my pickup!
I had more than one rancher who agreed to stop and visit, mostly about livestock though, because I did not come onto their ranch looking like an insurance salesman.