Shepherding calls, get togethers??
Well in my area there is no worry about cancelling those. Cannot cancel something that doesn't exist.
will meetings and conventions be canceled?
the ministry?
shepherding calls, get togethers?
Shepherding calls, get togethers??
Well in my area there is no worry about cancelling those. Cannot cancel something that doesn't exist.
assembly experiences.
brother so and so gets sick goes to hospital, refuses blood, dies; leaving widow and orphans.
then the experience continues--usual meals and such, then the bastards actually took the family door to door within a few days.
highlight of any bad experience; the victim finds final solace in pioneering,
I remember some years ago a sister, the wife of an arrogant jerk substitute C.O., gave her 'perience on the Circus Assembly. She was gushing along about how piousneering was sooo wonderful. About how it made all problems seem so insignificant. That was on Sunday. On Wednesday she went to Walmart and bought a shotgun and checked into a flea-bag motel. On Thursday she put the barrel in her mouth and pulled the trigger.
Yep, running the piousneer hamster wheel sure made her happified.
i was watching a program prompted by the covid-19 scare about youngsters in kindergarten and first grade being taught how to properly wash their hands to get rid of germs.
they were told that twenty seconds was needed, and that to time it they should sing the "happy birthday" song twice.. well i guess we all know that jw's will never be able to sing that song, so i guess they will have to teach their kids how to "take a stand for da troof" and tell their teachers they cannot was their hands anymore.. just think of all the 'periences they can cook up about caleb got the corona-virus and was oh so sick, but he took a stand against one of those pagan celebration inspired songs, and his teacher and several classmates all asked for watchtowers and studies.
I was watching a program prompted by the COVID-19 scare about youngsters in kindergarten and first grade being taught how to properly wash their hands to get rid of germs. They were told that twenty seconds was needed, and that to time it they should sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice.
Well I guess we all know that JW's will never be able to sing THAT song, so I guess they will have to teach their kids how to "take a stand for da troof" and tell their teachers they cannot was their hands anymore.
Just think of all the 'periences they can cook up about Caleb got the corona-virus and was oh so sick, but he took a stand against one of those pagan celebration inspired songs, and his teacher and several classmates all asked for watchtowers and studies. HAHAHAHA!
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Someone was coughing in front of me the other day, not into their arm or even their hands (bad enough).
I have to admit I am not at all polite any more when it comes to that level of stupidity and selfishness. I let go now with a loud, "Cover your f--king mouth you ignorant a--hole!"
it seems the news always has another report of a pedo stalking children or hurting them.
i know this has gone on forever but i read another report of an illegal alien with a history of abuse taking advantage of another poor child.. i just don’t understand why some people do this.
is there an actual brain abnormality?
I have always thought that the best solution for male pedos would be to nail them to a tree stump by their testicles, soak the stump with gasoline and light it, then toss them a very dull knife. Of course the humane thing to do IF they made the choice to self castrate and escape would be to promptly shoot them.
In the state where I live a pedo repeatedly raped, then killed a 9 year old girl. After decades on death row he was FINALLY executed. I believe my solution would have been much better.
this letter was put out right when the series aired.
seems they have "disfellowshipped" reporters pretty much in the eyes of their followers.
public information desk: as of july 1, 2019, a public information desk (pid) was established to handle communication with news media, academic institutions, and government agencies.
However, when elders learn that a publisher has granted such an interview, they should immediately inform PID. The PID will then lovingly arrange for three local eldurrs to "interview" the publisher after which they will also lovingly announce that "Rank and File Publisher is no longer one of Gee-HO'-vuh's Witnesses." at the next mid-week meeting.
we hear how the economy is much healthier now.
are you better off than you were before, or the same or worse?
Much better off. Stocks did take a big hit over the last couple days, but over the long term they are much higher now than they were even six or eight months ago, even after the current downturn.
is anyone prepping by buying food that has a long shelf life?
i have been messing with it for years.
buying fat free powder milk, bullion cubes, rice, beans dried, and other things that has a shelf life of 25 years.
Take precautions to help them - carelessness or selfishness can cost lives.
But wouldn't that be a waste of time? After all they are all going to die a horrible, fiery, hailstone, earthquake caused death "soon" anyway.
Oh crap! Someone slap the s--t out of me. I slipped into JDumdum thought process for just a second.
is anyone prepping by buying food that has a long shelf life?
i have been messing with it for years.
buying fat free powder milk, bullion cubes, rice, beans dried, and other things that has a shelf life of 25 years.
I have about a two month supply of dried or otherwise non-perishable food-stuffs stored. I also have a good supply of military grade water purification tablets. I have stockpiled ammunition for each of my legal firearms in a supply that IF it were ever needed would not run out quickly. One can never tell what leftist nutters may do when they cannot get their $6.00 latte. I have enough wood for heating and cooking to last several months, and enough old style oil lanterns and fuel for them that I will not be left totally in the dark.
I guess according to the U.S. Department of Homeland (IN)Security the that makes me a domestic extremist.
An 18-year veteran in law enforcement, James
Wesley Rawles, an 18-year veteran in law enforcement warned to beware of Homeland
Security training that is being pushed to local law enforcement.
Rawles writes that people engaged in the following activities may be considered "extremists" or "militia groups". Expressions of libertarian philosophies. Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit). Survivalist literature. Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies). Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items). Homeschooling. Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties.
I think I will go crack open a couple Coronas.
i was wondering how the congregations will handle the outbreak of the coronavirus in their countries.
especially, at meetings and going out in field service..
someone who lives in italy said: "i live in italy and meeting in some cities are suspended... bethel sent all the congregations in italy a letter suggesting us to avoid hugs, kisses, handshakes and other advice... ".
And of course another typical head in the sand J-Dumdum response:
If it were to affect Jehovah's people we can be sure the GB would have warned us or will make some kind of comment on it. So let's just wait.
Damn good thing that woman's house isn't on fire. She would die in a blaze waiting for Jehovah and her precious GB to tell her to get out!