Can someone seriously explain to me what the appeal of Trump is/was?
I don't honestly know! After all who would have ever wanted the lowest unemployment of blacks? The lowest unemployment of Hispanics? Rising value of stock holdings? After all isn't HIGH unemployment of minorities better? Isn't losing half ones investment portfolio much better under the left? Isn't sitting on ones ass doing nothing except bitching about not getting enough free shit better?
Only a person of very low intellect votes strictly on the basis of "personality". I didn't care if Trump was boorish, spoke his mind when silence may have been better. Everything that made being a LEGAL citizen of The United States of America something to be proud of grew under Trump's administration. I refuse to follow the sheep to the bread line of welfare that Slo-joe and his garden tool is promising. At least in four more years perhaps enough useful idiots will gain some level of thinking ability and vote those fools out of office!