I am fee to kick them in the rear end.
Just be careful that you do not hurt their head.
have you ever had to deal with these crazy intrusive people flipping out on you?
just curious.
I am fee to kick them in the rear end.
Just be careful that you do not hurt their head.
so you all probably heard that the awake magazine is back, .
and one of my jw relatives said they were told by some elders that meetings and field service will resume before the end of the year.. they said this covid virus was a test, like when the romans breached jerusalem and retreated, only to come back later and sack jerusalem.
Now is not the time to focus on Education, Entertainment, and Work, retirement, etc, but now is the time to send us all your hard-earned $$$$$. Now back to work you worthless slackers!
donations to support theocratic activities.
2021-june-s-147-announcements and reminders.
zipped folder.
Thank you!
I did notice this little nugget: When visiting donate.jw.org it will default to your present location.Therefore, you must update the location to India in order to donate as an Indian citizen. To update the location, simply click on the country name displayed, and enter “India” in the search form that opens.
Isn't it strange that WT condamns lying as being from Satan out one side of their mouth, and then in order to get more $$$ in donations instructs members how to LIE when setting their actual physical location to a country location where they are not at so that the money will roll in! HYPOCRITES!!
to be a witness you had to accept whatever spiritual food was being dished out.
even if it didn’t make any sense, we were expected to believe.
now that we are out of the cult, do you find yourself a person who doesn’t just accept the status quo?
I have adopted the saying, "Trust, but verify." That has served me well, except when I was still running the JW treadmill, as they seem to believe whatever slop they are fed without question.
what do you guys think....the topic seems to being on fashion lately.
some in the borg told me one time "of course, they are for real, they could be angels, demons".. .
UFO's are real. They are how Bigfoot gets around y'know.
we are pleased to provide you with the closing video of the 2021 convention which was prematurely uploaded to jw.org and subsequently.you can download it here.. warning: the music and scenarios play heavily on the emotions.
this is how watchtower subtly removes all rational and critical thinking after 3 days of emotional manipulation.
the song's chorus somehow contains samples from josh groban - you raise me up.
The music sounded nearly identical. I played both videos at the same time and mostly heard no difference.
Of course WT will NEVER admit that they copied most of a song as long as "two or more" notes are different.
….for the anniversary of george floyd’s death per president biden.
smh .
I see a number of thumbs down votes on the first few comments that seem to indicate someone who is pro BLM and anti- law enforcement. It must be the troll is back?
this should work.
i don't know how long the link will be active.. .
@Biahi- I wish I could have been at your conventions.
The ones where I went were more like:
2) Do more!
4) We are in the final part of the final part of the final part of the last days, so DO MORE!
5) Now stand for the final song and prayer. Wasn’t this a fine, up building assembly?
6) Show your appreciation and DONATE DONATE DONATE
Sorry, I just couldn't resit.
this should work.
i don't know how long the link will be active.. .
Do you wear the badge in your best meeting clothes, and with all the family so adorned, ? Do you prepare a packed lunch and drinks , open the windows to get that outdoor feel while gathering round the laptop .....so as to pretend you are at stadium?
Yes, and not only that but get in the car several hours early, drive several blocks from home, park the car in direct sunlight so it gets good and hot during the day, then trudge back home dragging the over-sized cooler of food, all the books and notepads one can lug, then stand at the front door until 8:00 A.M. and run to the most uncomfortable chairs one could find to put in front of the computer, make sure the chairs are as close as possible to each other, make sure you have zero leg room to stretch out, then sit there until the whole snooze fest starts.
most every state has a plan to get back to normalcy.
many countries also are ready to get their citizens on the road to recovery.. where does this leave the witnesses?
will they ever go back to house to house ministry?
They have said in their announcements/letters that the JW's must not be in a hurry to relax the guidelines/mandates /social distancing/lock-downs ad-nauseam, with the "reminder" that THE WORLD rushes to do so only for financial reasons. (Not their exact words, but anyone can read between the lines and know what they mean.)
Just like some politicians, I think the JW religions leaders will not loosen the grip of control now that they have experienced the increased control with the excuse of COVID. They will "suggest" that good little dubbies will continue to do everything that they were months behind in implementing a year ago for the foreseeable future. Already there are JW's in the area I live that are getting very vocal, and very irritated because not everyone is getting the gene therapy jab, and voicing the opinion that there will be congregation imposed restrictions placed on any who do not get the jab.