I noticed that the C.O. in my area who is living in the kingdom hall apartment now has two vehicles. I was told that he and the C.O.W. do not even go out for groceries but still have them door delivered. Not sure why he would need two vehicles if they don't go anywhere and have everything they need dropped off at the door and then bring it in after the delivery person leaves.
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
So what did the circuit overseers do during lockdown?
by ozziepost inso reading that the dubs are going back to their kingdumb halls got me thinking, i guess they haven’t been getting their regular inspections from thier circuit overseers.
if they haven’t had their meetings, the inspectors couldn’t visit - or did they?
i’m intrigued.
Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!
by pistolpete inyep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
The word around my area is that in-person meetings begin April 01. No need to be jabbed or to mask if one so chooses. I also heard that the eldurr who read that out also concluded by saying that, "just like our meeting tonight taught us that obedience is better than a sacrifice, even though we are anxious to get back to meeting in person at the kingdom hall we will all be sure to obey the requirements for doing so."
One week before this in-person announcement a letter was read about the pressing need to immediately start cleaning and sterilizing the kingdom hall, and that any who volunteered for the "privilege" MUST have two COVID jabs, wear masks at all times, and distance themselves from other persons. So which is it? Personal choice, or requirements?
We know the answer. It is personal choice, as long as the drones do what they are ordered to do!
My personal choice? Stay away!
Do we really need this many prayers in a day?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthere’s no proof that prayers have any effect whatsoever, other than perhaps giving the person who prays a false sense of having done something.
all claims that prayers have been answered are either anecdotal, fraudulent, delusional or are the result of either pure coincidence or confirmation bias.. how many prayers do you need in a day?.
you get up and eat breakfast...you pray for another day of life.
@ R & R - Your list left out the large numbers of prayers that the governing body has put in print JW's must also pray:
*** ws16 May p. 16 par. 4 How Do You Make Personal Decisions? ***
"So before we make a decision, we need to think about what the Bible says and then obey it. We can pray to Jehovah to help us make decisions that will please him."So pray before deciding which side of the bed to get out of in the morning, which sock to put on first, shirt first or pants, what color shirt, what to eat for breakfast, fill up with fuel in your vehicle before going to work or after, turn left or turn right, what to eat for noon dinner, pick up groceries on the way home or wait until tomorrow, there are so many decisions that a person makes every day on auto-pilot, and every single one of them are another reason to stop and say a prayer for help making that decision, then say a prayer of thanks for being able to finally make the decision at all.
Is it any wonder so many JW's cannot make any decision without begging the eldurrs for their "help"?
Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!
by pistolpete inyep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
I heard last night from a friend who still Zooms that they are ramping up the cleaning and disinfecting of the hall. Of course it was stressed as I was told that anyone going inside the hall to clean first had to prove that they had received not only TWO COVID jabs but any and all boosters that were "recommended". Also they must all use N-95 "masks". I do not remember exactly where I read it, n-95's are NOT masks as such, they are correctly termed respirators, and so there is more involved than just strapping on a face diaper. And not to be forgotten was the ever present "reminder" that if you did not have the COVID jabs, the n-95 respirators and so on you should still have a part in making Gee-HO'-Vuh's house clean by GIVING US YOUR MONEY!
2022-02-17-Watchtower Defense Manuals-Loss of State Support--Norway!
by Atlantis in2022-02-17-- watchtower defense manuals on the loss of state support in norway.. .
the english manual is 32 pages long and the norwegian manual is 40 pages long.
both manuals are in this file folder.. .
Each individual in the congregation who limits or ceases to socialize with a person who has withdrawn, does so voluntarily and of his own volition. If you don't "voluntarily" and of your "own volition" treat someone who has withdrawn as if they were dead and buried then YOU will be "voluntarily" shunned and treated as if you were dead and buried.
A little something you have not yet heard.
by lastmanstanding ini hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
i’m quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
Their being an NGO is not what I would call involvement.
But officer, I didn't go inside the bank, or use a gun, or shoot anybody during the robbery; I only waited outside and drove the get away car.
My favorite charity?
MYSELF. Actually after all the, "consider others superior to you, as you look out . . . for the interests of others" mandates that WT forced down our throats I am now throwing that "counsel" to the curb and putting myself first in many areas. Selfish? Perhaps. Warranted? Definitely!
Any in-house word on Ukrainian Witnesses form HQ?
by careful inhas anyone heard any word on active witnesses inside the ukraine and what has been happening with them the last week or so?
i checked the official org website but there was just the expected "fulfilling bible prophecy" stuff.
perhaps someone here has bethel contacts who have leaked some info on what the gb is trying to do for these victims of putin's madness?.
For what it's worth a quote that may assist some in how to refer to Ukraine.
“Ukraine is a country,” says William Taylor, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2006 to 2009. “The Ukraine is the way the Russians referred to that part of the country during Soviet times … Now that it is a country, a nation, and a recognized state, it is just Ukraine. And it is incorrect to refer to the Ukraine, even though a lot of people do it.”
Peak Cancel Culture
by Simon inwe seemed to have reached peak cancel-culture.
now, we get to try to cancel the citizens of an entire country for something their government chose to do.. really, we can't allow russian individuals to compete in sports?
to live a life?.
If you really had any principles you would object to those things.
Agreed. As a comment said on another site, "These virtue signalling nitwits are buying expensive bottles of Russian vodka just so they can pour it out for the news cameras. They are protesting against Russia in meaningless ways, all the while wearing their over-priced sneakers made in China, taking "selfies" and texting each other on their Chinese made 'smart' phones, and then going to Walmart to buy cheap Chinese made merchandise. If they really were serious about protesting the bad that Russia has done and is doing they would take the same stand against China whose government has engaged in Uyghur genocide, and severe repression of it's citizens rights. Until that happens they and those who support them are nothing other than virtue signalling hypocrites!"
COVID Vaccine and JW's
by FedUpJW inwhile reading some of the news this afternoon i came across an article titled the lies about vaccine efficacy are exposed, so scotland stops publishing data, that opened with this statement:.
if the truth hurts your narrative, you must censor it.
but what if your own information harms your own narrative?
How many died of the vaccine?
A guy I know who was a JW followed the governing body/government order to get the COVID jab to show how much he valued life. He was only in his mid sixties, very healthy for the nearly forty years I knew him and he went to lay down for just a few minutes according to his wife, and she found him a half hour later dead. It sounds like that very healthy man had a sudden blood clot that killed him. Of course if you ask the politicians and medical advisors about it they will vehemently deny that the potential blood clot side effect of the jab could have ever had a thing to do with his death.
And can only be prevented by a "vaccine" that is so "safe" that you have to be threatened to take it.