unless the 'slave' guides them.
Whenever I happen to get in a conversation with PIMI JW's who use that term I Ask them why they do not refer to who "the slave" is? then I proceed to ask questions about what the governing body is telling them, and substitute governing body for "the slave" every chance I get. A PIMI friend told me I should not do that because it makes it sound like they follow men.
Everyone just has to touch the emblems like they have been poisoned and the emblems emit the antidote which is absorbed through the skin.
The same PIMI friend mentioned above has been getting pretty pushy about "returning" to Jehovah and coming to the memorial as it will be in person and, "We have missed seeing you." I gave what I hope was a noncommittal answer that I might. Then I told him that IF in fact I did I would not be touching the glass or plate as they were passed because I did not know what others may pass on after THEY touched them. He nearly blew a gasket claiming that I would be showing disrespect.