The WT is God to practicing JW's for all practical purposes.
So very true. The sad thing is, they openly admit it and yet the sheeple are to willfully ignorant to see what is right in front of their own eyes.
do Jehovah's Witnesses bow down to? To Jehovah, or to the governing
This is a direct quote from their Revelation book (bold is mine):
revelation chap. 12 pp. 63-64 par. 19 “Keep On Holding Fast What
You Have"
From 1919 onward the anointed remnant, following Jesus’ example,
launched into a vigorous campaign of declaring abroad the good news
of the Kingdom. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 10:18) As a result, some of the
modern synagogue of Satan, Christendom, came to this anointed
remnant, repented and ‘bowed down,’ acknowledging the slave’s
authority. They too came to serve Jehovah in union with the older
ones of the John class. This continued until the full number of
Jesus’ anointed brothers was gathered. Following this, “a
great crowd ... out of all nations” has come to “bow
down” to the anointed slave.