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JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
Petra--2023 PDF--Editions!
by Atlantis inpdf editions.
uk addendum to shepherd the flock.
english--elder manual.
S Club 7 star died of NATURAL causes.....
by BoogerMan in“a spokesperson from dorset coroner's office told the bbc that due to the nature of his death there would be no inquest.
no further details were given on cause of death by the coroner.”
no "further" details were given?
I know a gentleman who just had his 100th birthday. He was on 24/7 oxygen because of his decades long three packs of cigarettes per day habit. When he tried to blow out the candles on his cake he wheezed, and clutched his chest, turned blue and died.
As he never had the jab it just had to be COVID. . .DIDN'T IT!!!
Details of my Disfellowshipping
by Holy Grail 007 ini will tell you the truth because i do not tell lies and am always honest.
in may 2006 i was diagnosed with bipolar.
my wife separated from me against my will.
They actually said to you they were "Never going to reinstate you" In those exact words?
I do have to say I've never heard of someone being told they'll never be reinstatedPersonal experience. I was raised around and doing ranch work, livestock, and rodeo for my entire life up until now. Always looked down on for combining that lifestyle with a good paying career and with JWism. DF'd in the early nineties. Still was POMI. When I met to request reinstatement I was told to my face, "You will NEVER be reinstated as long as you wear western clothing. That shows you are "rebellious" as you dress different that anyone else in this congregation."
So I modified my clothing, got reinstated, ran the hamster wheel long enough to realize that there was ZERO chance of me ever being good enough or giving enough to fit their agenda and then began my long fade. Never happier than I am now.
Advice to reduce hours earn less and spend more time on the ministry
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe advice to reduce work and earn less to spend more time preaching has not aged well.. the cost of living crisis means many have more going out on necessities than they have coming in.. so many asked their employer to reduce their hours and refused promotion only to see their colleagues go up the ladder when they stayed lowly position with rubbish jobs thinking the end will be here soon.
next week midweek meeting is all about preparing for an economic crisis.. they say have a go bag and new advice for all jws to store food and water at home and grow a vegetable garden, i kid you not.
this is the new direction..
@ Blondie
I believe this may be what you remember.
*** w14 3/15 p. 22 par. 10 Honor the Aged Among You ***
10 Full-time servants whose theocratic assignments have taken them far from home may face particularly difficult decisions. Those serving as Bethelites, missionaries, and traveling overseers all view their assignment as precious, as a blessing from Jehovah. Still, if their parents get sick, the first reaction might be, ‘We need to leave our assignment and return home to look after our parents.’ Yet, it would be wise to consider prayerfully whether that is what the parents really need or desire. No one should hastily give up service privileges, and it may not always be necessary. Could the health issue be temporary, one with which some in the parents’ congregation would be happy to help?—Prov. 21:5.
July 2023 Study Article 29: Are You Ready for the GT (part 3)
by blondie inhad to take a break to get my chores caught up; last section: strengthen your love.
this implies that any jw had "real" love or knew what it was outside the wts definition.
many jws just perpetuate the type of love they were show in their congregation.
The WTS mentions responding with "frequent calls and messages" but the only time elders seem to have time to do this is to discuss some failing a jw is reported to have.
There were no calls or messages for my parents before they died. Yes, the total lack of any love from their congregation was just one of the stronger straws on the camels back. Fortunately there hasn't been one single attempt at contact with me from any elder in the area I live for nearly three years now, although there is one older fellow that is PIMI that still has a little to do with me.
As my father said close to the end of his life, and I've quoted him on these threads more than once, "JW's have "love" on their lips, but NONE in their hearts!"
Am I ready for any alleged G.T.? Bring it on! I know who I will refuse to have anything to do with if it happens!
Advice to reduce hours earn less and spend more time on the ministry
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe advice to reduce work and earn less to spend more time preaching has not aged well.. the cost of living crisis means many have more going out on necessities than they have coming in.. so many asked their employer to reduce their hours and refused promotion only to see their colleagues go up the ladder when they stayed lowly position with rubbish jobs thinking the end will be here soon.
next week midweek meeting is all about preparing for an economic crisis.. they say have a go bag and new advice for all jws to store food and water at home and grow a vegetable garden, i kid you not.
this is the new direction..
Will the branch do anything to help the needy ones? Yes they will tell the congregations to help them while they carry in asking for more funds to build the expensive Hollywood studios
Not only NO. . .but HELL NO!
The Watchtower—Study Edition | May 2023
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | may 2023. .
study article 21. how jehovah answers our prayers.
14 a sister named soo hing felt that jehovah helped her by means of her doctor.
I've come to the conclusion that prayer does NOT work. 99% of the time over the last few years that I actively prayed I found that if I prayed for a positive good outcome the exact opposite happened. The more I prayed the worse things went, so I finally decided that given the fact that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result, and that I do not consider myself insane I quit paying. Things got better.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Like other trolls who come and have their brief fun I am sure syd will run away soon. We can help speed he/him/she/her/they/it along by ignoring their foolish talk.
Advice to reduce hours earn less and spend more time on the ministry
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe advice to reduce work and earn less to spend more time preaching has not aged well.. the cost of living crisis means many have more going out on necessities than they have coming in.. so many asked their employer to reduce their hours and refused promotion only to see their colleagues go up the ladder when they stayed lowly position with rubbish jobs thinking the end will be here soon.
next week midweek meeting is all about preparing for an economic crisis.. they say have a go bag and new advice for all jws to store food and water at home and grow a vegetable garden, i kid you not.
this is the new direction..
It's always, "More, more, MORE!"
So true. The saying "Time is money" comes into play with WT. It is always, "If you cannot give more of your time, give more of your money. If you cannot give more money, give more time".
Of course the "rock star" JW's are the ones that give both without any questions.
New Convention Song “ It Will Not Be Late”
by BluesBrother inthis made me chuckle.
a new song that they are encouraged to practice for the convention.. “ we know your day will come, sure as the rising sun.
no matter how long it takes , it will not be late” …………... it is based on habakkuk 2 , we discussed this in depth around 1973/1974.
However dramatic events must take place sometime
There, FIXED