The Great Tribulation will last 3.5 years beginning in 2027 and ending in 2030.
JoinedPosts by Hiddenservant
The self-appointed "slave" said this - in 1935
by BoogerMan inwatchtower august 15th 1935 - "...the greatest of all tribulations mentioned in the scriptures must come after the great multitude appears and must be that which is mentioned by christ jesus as “tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time.” that tribulation period began with the “day of jehovah”, to wit, in 1914, when the war started against satan’s organization in heaven, and reaches the great climax at the time of the battle of armageddon, the great day of god almighty.
110 years - and counting!.
other denominations claim the great tribulation is only going to last for 7 years.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
I never said that there was anything unusual about the singular Greek, athough Aritficial Intelligence makes this point about the shift from the singular "body" to plural "bodies":
- Greek Grammar: While uncommon, ancient Greek grammar could sometimes use the singular to refer to something with multiple parts. However, the intentional shift here seems more likely to be for emphasis.
- Literary Style: Revelation employs symbolic language and imagery. The shift might be a literary device to create a specific effect.
What is unusual is that both the singular and plural are used to describe the same outcome - death. AI agrees that the shift is emphasizing a point and that it is symbolic language. The point being emphasized is this: the two witnesses are a single person (body) with a true message (bodies) and the end of my commission results in the death of both myself and my commission. This is why people rejoice at my death. They think it's all over. Likewise, my dead "bodies" will not be seen in some high street in Jerusalem. This is also symbolic language used to convey that all will understand that the death relates to God's people (Jerusalem) and the end of my message.
"And their corpses will be on the main street of the great city.."
The "two" witnesses do in fact personify the distinct roles of four people - Moses, Elijah, Zerubbabel, and Joshua. (Rev 11:4) You yourself stated it. Now you claim that the two witnesses are strictly two people who act like Moses and Elijah only. Which one is it? Make your mind up. The two witnesses are symbolic of a person with multiple roles whose message is true. You are rejecting that message.
Do you understand the Bridegroom of Blood prophecy? The Governing Body do not, but I do because it foretells my exact situation at this moment.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
"Nowhere in Revelation do we have an example of two for the price of one."
Incorrect. The original Greek of Revelation 11:9 reveals that the two witnesses have dead bodies (plural). However, Revelation 11:8 reveals that the two witnesses have a dead body (singular). Similarly, the Greek of Revelation 11:5 says that they have a mouth (singular) and not mouths. You can see this on Biblehub interlinear.
If the two olive trees and two lampstands ("standing before the Lord of the Earth") are to be understood literally, then there must be four witnesses. Likewise, if the two withesses are Moses and Elijah and Joshua and Zerubbabel, to accept this as literal would mean that there are also four witnesses. Clearly, there are not. We do not see Joshua and Zerubbabel standing before the Christ during the transfiguration, yet we know that they are a part of the "two" witnesses.
It's not literally a tenth of a city (or a city at all) or literally 7,000 persons. These are symbolic numbers. Revelation is a mixture of symbolic and literal.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
Vidqun, The two witnesses are one man with a dual role as Moses and Elijah. The number two is symbolic. It means that his message is true. I have made a video explaining how the original text of Revelation reveals that the two witnesses are a single person. It also explains the Bridegroom of Blood prophetic drama which is another type/antitype prophecy concerning the prophet like Moses, as the two witnesses. (Ex 4:24-26)
Moses delivered God's people from a tyrannical world empire, as I will do with the eighth king. This is why there are two songs being sung by those who gain victory over the wild beast - the song of the Lamb and the song of Moses. (Rev 15:3) Elijah delivered God's people from Babylonish teachings and practices, as I will do. It's all in my Quora Spaces and on my YouTube channel.
I am the two witnesses. Yes, my commission includes the rebuilding of God's "temple" (his people) as Zerubbabel and Joshua. You can wait for my 42 month ministry to begin in 2027 or you can see my message right now as I prepare the way for Christ to come and cleanse his temple and refine his people during the real, future parousia. (Mal 3:1-4)
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
"First of all, what should be kept in mind, the book of Daniel has been sealed to this day (cf. Dan. 12:4), so one cannot be dogmatic as to one’s interpretation."
It has been sealed. Correct. However, there is something else that should be kept in mind also. Malachi and Jesus Christ foretold that a final prophet and messenger would be sent to God's people just before the great and awe-inspiring day of Jehovah. (Mal 3:1, 4:5; Matt 17:11) Christ made it clear that this man would "restore all things" which includes the restoration of true Christian doctrine and a correct understanding of chronology and prophecy, including a warning of judgements to come upon God's people for their "transgression." (Dan 8:12) That transgression is spoken of in the Seventy Weeks prophecy (Dan 9:24).
Furthermore, Genesis and Christ foretold that a faithful and discreet slave in the manner of Joseph would be sent ahead of God's people to deliver them from a (spiritual) famine (a lack of knowledge) (Hosea 4:6).
Joseph was faithful when tested (Gen. 39:9).
He was made discreet (wise) (Gen 41:33,39).
He was a slave (Gen 39:17,19; 41:12) and
appointed over all the master's belongings (Potiphar, the Jailer, and Pharaoh) (Gen 39:4-5).
Finally, he delivered life-saving food at the proper time to the "domestics" (household of God - the future twelve tribes) during a famine (Gen 41:53-57).
"Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings."
Yes, the story of Joseph is a type with a modern-day antitype.
I am the final prophet and messenger of Jehovah. I am the man who has been made discreet, like Joseph, and sent ahead of God's people to deliver food at the proper time to the domestics. This interpretation of the Seventy Weeks that I have shared here is just a small portion of that life-preserving spiritual food. More can be seen in my 10 Quora Spaces and on my YouTube channel.
Christ died in 30 CE and he will return for the anointed in 2030 at the end of the antitypical 70th week. The Great Tribulation will begin in 2027 when the Watchtower Society is desolated.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
many denominations, including Jehovah's Witnesses, have taken verse 27 out of context and falsely applied it to the Messiah. They have created a belief based upon false assumptions that
1 the “covenant” of verse 27 is the Abrahamic covenant somehow kept in force by Christ for 7 years.
2 the “many” of verse 27 refers to many Jews under that covenant.
3 the “he” of verse 27 who causes sacrifice and gift offering to cease refers to the Messiah and not Roman General Titus.
This teaching is false and not unique to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Here is the incorrect chronological order of events where verse 27 is taken out of context and falsely applied to the Messiah:
26 And after the 62 weeks, Mes·siʹah will be cut off, with nothing for himself.
(Appearance of the Messiah)
And the people of a leader who is coming will destroy the city and the holy place. And its end will be by the flood. And until the end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations(Destruction of the temple)
27 And he will keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week, he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease.(Appearance of the Messiah) < misapplied to the Messiah and out of context
And on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, what was decided on will be poured out also on the one lying desolate.(Destruction of the temple)
Here is the correct chronological order:
26 And after the 62 weeks, Mes·siʹah will be cut off, with nothing for himself.
(Appearance of the Messiah - 69 weeks)
And the people of a leader who is coming will destroy the city and the holy place. And its end will be by the flood. And until the end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations(Destruction of the temple - 70th week)
27 And he will keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week, he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease.(Destruction of the temple - 70th week)
And on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, what was decided on will be poured out also on the one lying desolate.(Destruction of the temple - 70th week)
Although not acceptable to Jehovah, sacrifice and gift offering continued at the temple until the 70th week was fulfilled between 66 and 73 CE when Roman General Titus destroyed the temple ending sacrifice and gift offering in 70 CE.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
"The Seventy Weeks Prophecy has all to do with the first appearance of the Messiah AND the siege of Jerusalem."
"Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy predicts the appearance of the Messiah on earth as Jehovah God’s king designate. It ALSO envisages the destruction of the Jewish system by the Romans, and the levelling of Jerusalem and its temple. It has to do with the suffering of the Jews in 70 CE."
That's right, the Seventy Weeks prophecy has to do with the appearance of the Messiah AND the siege of Jerusalem. In other words, the siege of Jerusalem IS A PART OF THE SEVENTY WEEKS. Which part - the 7 weeks, 62 weeks, or 1 week? That siege is described in verses 26b to 27. The appearance of the Messiah is described in the preceding verses (25 to 26a). When did the siege of Jerusalem take place? During a 7 year period known as the 7 Year Jewish War. That was the 70th week. Seven years is one week.
Your masculine vs feminine argument is irrelevant.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
Did you know that the answer is provided in the Scriptures through the 70 Weeks prophecy?
Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy Explained.
The 70 weeks were split into three parts. Here is the reason why.
The prophecy is not only about the Messiah, it is also about God’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear. In fact, that is the main thrust of the prophecy.
“There are 70 weeks that have been determined for your people and your holy city…” (Dan 9:24)
7 weeks (rebuilding of the holy city and restoration of God’s people) plus
62 weeks (appearance of the Messiah to God’s people) (vs 25–26a)
1 week (destruction of the holy city and punishment upon God’s people) (vs 26b-27)
When was the 1 week fulfilled? It was during the 7 year Jewish War of 66–73 CE. This war is also foretold in the prophecy:
“And until the end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.” (v 26)When did sacrifice and gift offering end and who ended it? The prophecy and history tells us this happened in 70 CE “at the half of the week” (halfway through the 7 year Jewish War):
“And the people of a leader (General Titus) who is coming will destroy the city and the holy place… and at the half of the week, he (General Titus) will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease.” (vs 26b-27a)
But there is more to this prophecy. The 70th week is in fact a type of an antitype which has a modern-day fulfillment, not upon unfaithful Jews and their holy city, but upon apostate Christians and their organization. There was only a partial fulfillment between 66 and 73 CE. We know this because the six prophetic events described in verse 24 have not been fulfilled and there was no "covenant with many" confirmed during that period. When will the antitypical 70th week take place and what is the covenant with many?
At the United Nations SDG Summit in September 2023 the United Nations did indeed “confirm” an existing “covenant” they made with “many” nations back in 2015 for a further “week” (7 years). This covenant, or treaty, is known as Agenda 2030. The United Nations "wild beast" will be the counterfeit kingdom ("eighth king") set up by Satan to oppose God's Kingdom (what some refer to as the "antichrist" or abomination of desolation).
"And he (the United Nations) will confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put an end to sacrifice and offering."
This raises the question: Which “people” and “holy city” will the disgusting thing (abomination of desolation) desolate "in the middle of the week" in 2027, and why?
The answer is Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society because of their "transgression," which includes the false teaching of 1914 and shunning, among other errors. This transgression is foretold at Daniel 9:24 and Daniel 8.
“There are 70 weeks that have been determined for your people and your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression.."
"It (the United Nations eighth king) exalted itself even against the Prince of the army (Christ), and from him the constant feature (worship) was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down. And an army (of Christian soldiers) was given over, together with the constant feature, because of transgression..."
These six unfulfilled points (v 24b) will be fulfilled upon the 144,000 in 2030:
- to terminate the transgression (the death of Christ did not end the transgression)
- to finish off sin (the death of Christ did not end sin)
- to make atonement for error (the error of God’s people as a nation has not been atoned for)
- to bring in everlasting righteousness (the death of Christ did not do this)
- to seal up the vision and the prophecy (the death of Christ did not accomplish this)
- to anoint the Holy of Holies (the death of Christ did not facilitate this. Only when all 144,000 are resurrected to heaven can this take place)