So for 40 years of conventions...
Hated them,
Then hoped it was a way to meet girls,
Then liked them,
Then loved them because I gave many talks.
Now embarrassed I ever went to one.
what did you make of the conventions i used to dread them..
So for 40 years of conventions...
Hated them,
Then hoped it was a way to meet girls,
Then liked them,
Then loved them because I gave many talks.
Now embarrassed I ever went to one.
very strange behavior by the attendants and elders after the duluth, ga, rc.
on the first link the attendants start to exit the arena, then line up and turn their backs on the street preachers.
(around the 6:00 mark).. elders and attendants after duluth rc.
My fake god is bigger than your fake god!!!
very strange behavior by the attendants and elders after the duluth, ga, rc.
on the first link the attendants start to exit the arena, then line up and turn their backs on the street preachers.
(around the 6:00 mark).. elders and attendants after duluth rc.
How embarrassing.
Christianity is a joke.
1 # by far is The Truth.
2 New Light
3 Gatherings
4 Worldly
5 Fornication
6 Gross Sin
7 Governing Body
the jehovah's witnesses claim that the holy spirit is none other than a force... however when we compare scripture with scripture, we begin to see that the holy spirit is a the jehovah's witnesses dispute this, the question still remains..."who/what is the holy spirit?".
the holy spirit can :.
be grieved.
As Willy Wonka sang - "its pure imagination"
who was i to think that we would be left alone?
it has been a dream for 2+ months.
a few calls i let go to voicemail but now the wife and i are getting bombarded with text messages.. this isn't going to be easy.. since we're not looking to throw a grenade into decades of relationships, text replies thus far have been..."thank you so much.".
This to shall pass.
It wont be long till they forget who you are.
Just as stated before, dont reply.
my father's uncle and spiritual mentor, benjamin ray kent, had been a deacon (ministerial servant) in watchtower founder c. t. russell's home ecclesia (congregation) in brooklyn, and also served as russell's personal secretary at brooklyn bethel.
after attending university my father served a 5-year prison term during world war ii, supposedly for his loyalty to god.
while his mother's proud and patriotic family disowned my father for his decision, it was his uncle ray who regularly visited him in prison.. that is the culture in which i was raised, and for much of my life, i took great pride in the belief that my father was a man of integrity to god.
Well that was them evading responsibility. It was not change in policy.
Remember Governing Body member Jackson when asked a simple question about elder policy that ALL elders would know said - It was not his field.
They will lie and do anything to protect themselves - and the general Publisher has NO FING IDEA.
do today's elders ever meet with inactive members and pressure them to write a letter disassociating themselves from the congregation stating that, ''you no longer wish to a jehovah witness"?.
i was baptized at the young age of 16. after turning 18, i stopped attending meetings, field service, and all jehovah's witness activities.
i wanted to be with my high school friends, go to rock concerts, have a girlfriend, and live like a normal teen.
That is NOT policy. I have NEVER heard of that happening nor of any CO saying it should be done.
I do. I also still have dreams of JW world.
Last night I had one where I was an an assembly as an apostate. Very strange.
But I have to say, I dont miss 99% of them. Since they proved to be conditional friends.
I faded and they know of nothing I did wrong, but that didnt keep them from forgetting about me right away.
whatever we think of it, you have to admit that it's quite "genius".. the door to door ministry as done in western developed countries where the jw quirky religion has probably reached their saturation level was a complete and utter waste of time in terms of the effort expended to recruit people.. at the same time, it was rarely something that anyone enjoyed which led to people being labelled as inactive, being pressured to doing more and maybe ultimately deciding jwism wasn't for them and leaving.. there was also the issue that many jws are actually pretty bad at knowing and articulating their beliefs so were pretty incapable of getting any meaningful message across.. they solved all this with the cart witnessing.
the real point isn't to recruit, it's to make life easier for jws.
now they can stand and chat with their friend, have a coffee, not talk to anyone or make eye contact and still act as a walking billboard for
I agree with SIMON 100%.
I have to say I felt that way when I was still and Elder.
I was a school overseer and was getting very disturbed by the way ALL training on teaching was being eliminated.
Carts are the OPIUM for the publishers.