It seems to me that this web sight has been put here by apostates for the reason of not building up the truth but tearing it down .I have found that to try and reason with an apostate is the same as try to tell a member of the K.K.K that blacks are equal to whites in the eyes of God .You will get every stupid argument in the book against it , and why , because they do not want to accept it even if it is right . They even go as far as to harass other who do accept it. So with this said I will bid you goodbye so that you can all tell each other how right you are .I wonder though if your arguments will hold water with Jehovah when the time comes after all he is the one that decides who is right.
Posts by Mo
Are JW's only in it for the New System?
by In_between_days inif the new world hope no longer existed, would everyone leave?
would some stay?
what do you think the reaction of the dubs would be if the new light was no armaggedon and no "new system"?
Are JW's only in it for the New System?
by In_between_days inif the new world hope no longer existed, would everyone leave?
would some stay?
what do you think the reaction of the dubs would be if the new light was no armaggedon and no "new system"?
It is quite clear that the majority of the people here if they ever got baptized in the first place got baptized with the wrong frame of mind. First a person gets baptized to serve Jehovah not the W.T.S after all they are imperfect ,just like the nation of Israel was .But just like the nation of Israel was back then , the W.T.S are the ones that Jehovah has chosen to use to direct his people today . The W.T.S also realize that they are not infallible This is even brought out in the {Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand} book 0n page nine chapter two read what is in the box. The only one that is infallible is Jehovah and he is the one that I dedicated my life to .The W.T.S is only the organization the he uses here on the earth.Just like he used the nation of Israel back then.
Are JW's only in it for the New System?
by In_between_days inif the new world hope no longer existed, would everyone leave?
would some stay?
what do you think the reaction of the dubs would be if the new light was no armaggedon and no "new system"?
Well Ozzie I have learned one thing . and that is that some who are in the "truth?"are the same as some in the world .They will try and make up any excuse if something goes against the way they want to live their lives Right or wrong.The only thing different is that in the world your argument is against man made laws .In the truth it is against Jehovahs law.
New Light - Use LOGIC and Reason
by ItsJustlittleoldme infrom the apr 1, 2002 wt: (page 3 -4).
sorry, just read this and had to point out the similarities.. it's interesting, i think that they are talking about themselves .
should faith be based on reason?.
I do not beleive that I have heard so many stupid arguments all in one day.
MY PROBLEM... do any of you all remember.....
by biblexaminer inmy posting name might be familiar to some out there.
actually, i started on the old h2o, and i came over here with many on the board a long time back.. do any of you remember what problem i had??.
well, if you do, don't post anything about it -as the "problem" shouldn't be discussed here where just anybody could read about it.
Don't mention it>
Are JW's only in it for the New System?
by In_between_days inif the new world hope no longer existed, would everyone leave?
would some stay?
what do you think the reaction of the dubs would be if the new light was no armaggedon and no "new system"?
It seems that most of you people forget that all religion promises their devotees a reward if they stay faithful. So why not use the same silly arguments against them {that the only reason they are devotees is because of the prize they will receive at the end}?
I am a JW because for the simple reason that they are the only ones that are trying to their best to apply Bible direction to their lives.
But being that they are imperfect they do make mistakes
just like everyone else. Even the apostles made mistakes {were they wrong}? I serve Jehovah because he is our creator and wants the best for us and who knows what we should be doing in order for us to get the best out of live more then the one who created it? Of course people who think that they know better then Jehovah will argue the point but in the end we will find out who was right.